YouGov research reveals Australia’s awareness and usage of ChatGPT


Millennials and GenZ in Australia are more likely than others to buy a product based on ChatGPT recommendations

YouGov’s latest survey has revealed its findings on Australia’s awareness and usage of ChatGPT.

The research by the market research firm has found that just under half (48%) of Australians have heard of ChatGPT, and almost a quarter (23%) have interacted with the AI chatbot.

According to the data, men are much more likely than women to be aware of ChatGPT, as well as to have used it.

Nearly three in five (58%) males say they have heard of ChatGPT, compared to two in five (39%) females. Around a third of Australian men (34%) have also used ChatGPT, compared to a seventh of Australian women (14%).

Younger Australians are also more likely to have heard of and tried out ChatGPT.

Among Australians who have tried out ChatGPT so far, more than two-thirds (69%) have used it for entertainment purposes, making this the most popular use-case for the platform – at least so far.
Millennials are more likely than other generations to have done so: over three-quarters (77%) say they have used ChatGPT to amuse themselves. On the other hand, Gen X are less likely to have done so: less than three-fifths (57%) say the same.

Meanwhile, the YouGov research found 57% of Australians who have interacted with ChatGPT have used it for educational purposes, and around half (51%) have used it for business/work purposes.
Millennials are again more likely than other generations to have done so: three-fifths (61%) say they have used ChatGPT professionally. Conversely, Gen Z are less likely to have done so: only a third (33%) say the same.

Thinking about the tasks they have used or intend to use ChatGPT for, over two-fifths (42%) of Australians who have interacted with ChatGPT have used it to complete work assignments (such as writing emails) and produce creative work (such as writing stories and social media posts) – making these the two most popular tasks on the platform so far – as well as the top two tasks that Australians aware of but have yet to try ChatGPT are keen on using the AI chatbot for.

Writing a resume (32%) is the next most common task, which around a third of users have tapped the AI chatbot for so far (or would use it for).

Interestingly, three in ten (30%) Australians who have interacted with ChatGPT so far have entrusted it to create passwords for their devices and online accounts, while a fifth (20%) of Australians who are aware of but have yet to try ChatGPT are keen to do the same. Additionally, a fifth (21%) have already roped in the AI chatbot in their quest for love – by asking it to write a dating profile.

Finally, when asked about buying a product recommended by ChatGPT, about three-quarters of Millennials (77%) and Gen X (75%) who have used ChatGPT say they would purchase a product based on recommendations from ChatGPT. In comparison, only three-fifths of Gen Z (59%) say they would do so.

However, among Australians who are aware of but have yet to interact with the AI chatbot so far, less than two in five (38%) of Millennials and Gen Z would make a purchase based on ChatGPT recommendations, while just under a fifth (19%) of Gen X say the same.

Read YouGov’s full series on ChatGPT’s awareness, usage, and attitudes in Australia.

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