Vodka Cruiser says yes to bold choices with its new brand platform via Clemenger BBDO & Glue Society

Vodka Cruiser x Clemenger BBDO and Glue Society

Monique Di Gregorio: ‘We’re calling on Aussies to be adventurous and fearless, and we hope the social videos inspire more people to live their best life and say yes to the unexpected!’

Vodka Cruiser has teamed up with Clemenger BBDO and Glue Society to launch its new brand platform, Bold Choice, to prove how bold the Vodka Cruiser brand and drinkers are – by throwing unsuspecting drinkers into its big, new brand ads. Without any prep.

Clems and Glue Society hired the Enmore Theatre, assembled a live camera crew, hand-crafted eighteen costumes, built three intricate sets, composed a suite of custom tracks with a viral TikTok DJ and spent weeks choreographing three elaborate dances. Then threw random people from the street into the mix…

Sydney locals were asked to be in the ad by hosts – including TikTok sensation Maddy Macrae – while walking down the street on a typical weekday. An entire cast and crew then waited for them inside the Enmore Theatre, ready for the participants to say ‘yes’ to leading a spontaneous on-the-spot performance.

In collaboration with Glue Society, Clems brought to life three unique ‘Cruiser Worlds’, designed to throw even the most confident ‘yes-person’ off guard. Inspired by the flavours of Vodka Cruiser, each world featured extravagant, elaborate costumes and a choreographed Vodka Cruiser dance number to a bespoke music track by viral musician @CandyMoore.

“We are beyond excited to launch our new brand platform Bold Choice, brought to life through this social experiment, designed to test even the most confident ‘yes-person’,” Monique Di Gregorio, Vodka Cruiser marketing manager, said.

“Being bold to us means celebrating bold acts and spontaneity, living for yourself unapologetically, being self-aware, and drawing people in for the better!

“With summer in full swing across the country we’re calling on Aussies to be adventurous and fearless, and we hope the social videos inspire more people to live their best life and say yes to the unexpected!”

Zoe Perrin, Clems senior art director, said: “There’s nothing quite like letting talented craftspeople flex their skills at scale. The A-team of crazy creatives that Glue Society assembled for this was next-level and their craftsmanship has shone through in this bold world we’ve created for those brave enough to enter it.”

The entire spectacle was captured like a live performance. Whatever happened on that stage (good, bad, or awkward) became Vodka Cruiser’s final ads and branded content. What could go wrong?

Clems chief creative officer Adrián Flores noted that this single idea gave the brand a buffet of campaign assets, as well as PR and ongoing social content.

“It’s not often that the 6 second spots are my favourite part of a campaign. Don’t quote me on that though. But beyond being a bit bonkers and incredibly difficult to pull off, this project is a great example of how our in-house studio Chemistry Set helps amplify our creatives’ vision by weaving relevant talent into the story and using their platforms to fuel further conversation. Plus it’s just fun.”

An idea with an element of uncertainty might seem impossible to sell in, but Clems senior creative, Riana McKenzie said that’s exactly when you know you’re onto something great.

“Innovative ideas require a series of bold yes’. From our leaders who backed this idea to our brave clients who bought it; the brilliant collaborators at Glue who helped bring it to life and our wonderful street-cast stars who stepped up…I think we all deserve a Vodka Cruiser.”

The final campaign is live across Cinema, Social, Online Video, and OOH. The full story, along with more BTS and further content will be promoted on YouTube and social.

Client – Carlton & United Breweries
Head of RTDs and Cider – Sarah Wilcox
Marketing Manager, Vodka Cruiser – Monique Di Gregorio
Brand Manager – Angelique Kyritsis 

Creative Agency – Clemenger BBDO
Chief Creative Officer – Adrián Flores
Executive Creative Director – Richard Williams
Creative Director – Brodie King
Senior Art Director – Zoe Perrin
Senior Copywriter – Riana Mckenzie
Designer – Sebastian Sarria
Chief Strategy & Experience Officer – Simon Wassef
Head of Strategy – Brooke Thompson
Strategy Partner – Brigitte Bayard
Managing Partner – Jason Melhuish
Group Business Director – Sam Siddons
Business Director – Lauren Mayne
Business Manager – Mack Horton
Executive Producer – Ainslee Littlemore
Editor – Jennifer Cahir

Social, PR & Influence Studio – Chemistry Set
Head of Cultural Design – Rhian Mason
Social Media and Content Director – Elly Brand

Production Company – Revolver
Directing Collective – Glue Society
Directors – Millicent Malcolm & Jonathan Kneebone
Managing Director/Co-Owner – Michael Ritchie
EP/Partner – Pip Smart
Executive Producer – Jasmin Helliar
Producer – Lib Kelly
DOP – Sherwin Akbarzadeh
Production Designer – Al Joel
Art Director – Emily Borghi
Choreographer – Maya Sheridan
Costume Designer – Matt Stegh

Post Production – Glue Society Studios
Editor – Luke Crethar
Colourist – Scott Maclean
Online – Scott Stirling

Media Agency – PHD & 1House
Group Planning Director – Elizabeth O’Dowd
Planning Director – Shahrzad Eftekhar
Investment Director – Ryan Wahl
Account Executive – Priya Rao
Digital Director – Carrie Nguyen
Digital Manager – Spencer Moore

Social Planner – Zoe Moorhead
Social Specialist – Anna De Sousa

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