Two thirds of people watch digital video while commuting

digital video

The study found that 94% use a device when commuting and 88% use their commute time to watch, listen to, or read something. 

Two out of three commuters watch digital video on their commute, with 44% watching SVOD and a quarter watching BVOD according to a new study from Prophesy Digital and Hoop Research Group.

The study found that 94% use a device when commuting and 88% use their commute time to watch, listen to, or read something, over getting tasks done. 

The study also found that commuters are embracing the digital video ecosystem in all its forms. Habits are changing rapidly, with more permission to view video in more environments – none more so than the morning and afternoon commute.

Two-thirds (65%) of commuters are watching video content, with more video consumed in the morning (50%) than in the afternoon (44%). 

In addition, more than half (55%) claim to watch video that isn’t social media video, however, 82% do browse social media.

digital video

On average, commuters use two video platforms – almost half (44%) watch SVOD, such as Netflix, Stan and Binge, and more than a quarter (24%) watch BVOD.

“App-based entertainment has enabled consumers to essentially extend their evening entertainment to their commute – the seamless transition between devices allows viewers to continue watching their favourite shows, switching between devices from home to commute and vice versa,” said Mehrak Saheb, founder and digital media strategist, Prophesy Digital.

“Understanding different digital moments like the commute is critical for effective digital media planning, in this case for digital video strategies,” he said.

“Current video planning relies on data and channel selection, but we can enhance effectiveness by also considering consumer mindset and the most receptive moments to connect. The commute offers a unique opportunity to reach audiences in an active mindset, with available time and focused attention on a single device.

“Video consumption on the commute is focused attention on a single device. Intimate, one- on-one, and heightened focus means consumers are more open and receptive to absorbing advertising messages. This moment is a key opportunity to not only use video as an upper funnel tactic but as a conversion tool to drive immediate action, such as making a purchase, visiting a website, or engaging with a brand.”

The research was undertaken in May 2024, via an online survey to n=400 commuters aged 18-65 years.

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