Total TV Ratings for September 16, 2021
The top non-news show in the total TV ratings was Home and Away which aired three episodes on September 16. The first two episodes had an average of 1.127m which was up 20%, the final episode was up 22% bringing it to 1.078m.
On 10, Gogglebox had 1.023m after going up 24%, while Making It Australia brought its total audience to 608,000, an increase of 13%.
The Front Bar had 565,000 which was an increase of 16% for the first half of its grand final special and featured Sam Pang’s Nova co-host, Jonathan Brown.
September 23 Overnight TV Ratings
Primetime News
Seven News 1,048,000/1,032,000
Nine News 957,000/907,000
ABC News 717,000
10 News First 367,000 (5:00pm)/ 231,000 (6:00pm)
SBS World News 168,000 (6:30pm) 130,000 (7:00pm)
Daily current affairs
A Current Affair 658,000
7.30 546,000
The Project 285,000 (6:30pm)/441,000 (7pm)
The Drum 194,000
Breakfast TV
Sunrise 256,000
Today 249,000
News Breakfast 221,000
Late News
The Latest 471,000
Nine News Late 97,000
ABC Late News 86,000
Seven was the top primary (21.7%) and network (30.6%) last night thanks to a winning combo of Home and Away and The Front Bar.
The Home and Away tripleheader was the top non-news program last night. The first two episodes had an average of 599,000, while the final episode averaged 552,000.
The Front Bar finished the footy year with a monster Grand Final special episode. The episode had an audience of 510,000 with 326,000 tuning in from Melbourne, making it the top non-news program in the city. The Front Bar finished the footy year with a monster Grand Final special episode. The episode had an audience of 510,000 with 326,000 tuning in from Melbourne, making it the top non-news program in the city.
Guests across two hours were recently retired Demon Nathan Jones, AFL chief executive Gil McLachlan, Nic Naitanui with Allen Jakovich in Perth, Tiger’s coach Damien Hardwick, Demon supporter and writer Titus O’Reily plus a special cross to Front Bar regular Fitzy with Hamish Blake and a cameo from Fitzy’s breakfast radio producer Tom Ivey.

Front Bar: Fitzy with Nova breakfast EP Tom Ivey
A Current Affair had 658,000 as the show told the story of Varina Quinn who thought she was helping her daughter when she gifted her the family home in return for lifetime tenancy, but is now homeless and sleeping in a shipping container.
RBT then followed at 7:30pm with 484,000, while Epstein’s Shadow: Ghislaine Maxwell had 302,000 in the 8:30pm slot.
The Project had 285,000 (6:30pm) and 441,000 (7:00pm) as the show covered Australia’s pledge to help vaccinate the developing world, the Covid outbreak in Byron Bay, and spoke to Geraldine Hickey.
Making It Australia then had 347,000 as Sai-Wai went home after her conceptual self-portrait featuring a mould of her own hands melted before the judges’ eyes, along with her hopes in the competition.
Gogglebox was the top non-news program on 10 last night with 529,000 viewers, the show was also #1 in the 16-39 and 18-49 demographic.
Foreign Correspondent had 374,000 as the show went to China with reporter Lydia Feng who took viewers into the lives of a student, a farmer and a shopkeeper to look at the future of the country.
Q+A then had 274,000 as it was live from Sydney with host Stan Grant. The episode examined the future of science in Australia following the pandemic.
The top non-news program on SBS was Walking Britain’s Lost Railways with 160,000 viewers.