TV Ratings October 14, 2023: Australia votes No to The Voice to Parliament Referendum

federal government budget

The Kangaroos thrash Samoa in The Pacific Championships

• 424,000 tuned in to the ABC’s coverage of The Voice Referendum

Total TV Ratings, October 7

Seven’s Bathurst 1000 coverage topped Total TV Ratings with a growth of 812,000 lifting by 7%.

The biggest jump in commercial primetime viewing goes to ABC’s OId People’s Home for Teenagers, where the Total TV audience grew by 55% to reach 218,000 viewers. 

Overnight TV Ratings, October 14

Nine enjoyed a Saturday night win in both the network and primary channel shares with 17.7% and 27.7%, respectively. 7TWO won the multichannels with 4%.

Seven’s coverage of the 2023 Voice Referendum saw 281,000 tune in as votes were counted which ultimately led to Australia voting No to the proposed Indigenous Voice to Parliament. 

VIC, NSW, TAS, WA, SA and QLD all voted No to The Voice while in terms of Territories (Territories do not count towards state majority), the ACT voted Yes while the NT voted No.

TV Ratings The Voice

The Guardian

Nine’s airing of Getaway saw 253,000 as the program showcased Greece and some of the most historic sites of all time including the ancient neighbourhoods of Athens. The Pacific Championship game between Australia and Samoa saw 243,000 tune in as the Kangaroos proved too strong for the Samoan side, ending with 38-12.

On the ABC, their Saturday night was dedicated also the Voice Referendum coverage with 424,000 tuning into The Count. 

10 aired The Dog House Australia to 173,000 as the program met with a energetic puppy named Cookie.

SBS aired The Point to 58,000. 


Fox League saw 146,000 tune in to the Pacific Championships played in Townsville, QLD. The Kangaroos thrashed Samoa ending with 38-12.

Sky News saw 154,000 tune in to The Voice Referendum coverage.

TV Ratings

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