TV Ratings: A Wednesday win for Nine

James Manning looks at last night’s TV ratings
Nine has won another evening of week 43 with The Block pulling the biggest crowd with the network getting support from A Current Affair before and Doctor Doctor after, despite the audience dropping week-on-week for the new drama.
Nine also had the biggest combined channel share, but 7TWO was #1 multi on 4.9%.
Taking second place in the critical 7.30pm slot was the penultimate night of The Bachelorette.
However Seven ranked #2 in share across metro markets.
Home and Away dropped just under 700,000 to 691,000.
90 minutes of ob docs followed with Highway Patrol on 658,000 and then two episodes of Beach Copswith audiences of 661,000 and 557,000.
Ramsay’s Hotel Hell was on after 9pm with 381,000.
A Current Affair went from coverage of the Dreamworld disaster early in the episode to a look at the apartments on The Block later in the show. The midweek episode did 763,000.
The Block then followed with 910,000 before the show starts its final week.
Doctor Doctor dipped under 800,000 to 777,000 after 854,000 last week.
The Project featured Lee and Kristie from Australian Survivor plus footage of Waleed Aly’s biting guitar solo during a performance of We Will Rock You last weekend. The 7pm half hour did 596,000.
The Bachelorette is down to the final two – Lee and Matty. The penultimate episode had an audience of 697,000 – up 100,000 on last week.
The Wrong Girl just made it over half a million with Madam Secretary following on 225,000.
Episode two of Hard Quiz featured contestants with special subjects ranging from War of the Roses to military aviation to rock band Pierre. After launching with 628,000, the audience dropped to 508,000 last night.
Upper Middle Bogan did 478,000, Rosehaven 457,000 and then a repeat of the Adam Hills Happyismshow did 308,000 which was the same as last week’s The Last Leg.
Hidden Britain By Drone found a hidden village and an empty supermarket! The episode did 252,000.
The audience lifted to 299,000 for 24 Hours in Emergency.