• Home and Away was the top-rating non-reality TV program for Tuesday
Total TV Ratings, May 16
Seven’s Home and Away saw 903,000 watching as Kirby feared she and Theo were on the rocks and Kahu did a runner. Up 21%.
Lifting by a 27% rise was 10’s MasterChef Australia. 839,000 saw former winner and dessert queen Emelia Jackson join the contestants to share her secrets. Using her choux pastry recipe, the cooks were tasked with creating a superb sweet or savoury dish to avoid elimination.
Finally, Nine’s The Summit came in next as Olympian Jacqui Cooper was eliminated from the competition and with only 11 days left to get to the top to claim their cash prize, the group began to realise that getting to the pinnacle was about a whole lot more than physical endurance. 732,000 tuned in, lifting 30%.
Overnight TV Ratings, May 23
Primetime News
Seven News 969,000 (6:00pm) / 905,000 (6:30pm)
Nine News 816,000 (6:00pm) / 804,000 (6:30pm)
ABC News 563,000
10 News First 231,000 (5:00pm)/ 171,000 (6:00pm)
SBS World News 156,000 (6:30pm)/ 112,000 (7:00pm)
Daily Current Affairs
A Current Affair 650,000
7.30 438,000
The Project 211,000 6:30pm / 307,000 7pm
Breakfast TV
Sunrise 219,000
Today 177,000
News Breakfast 145,000
Nine won Tuesday night with a primary share of 18.6% and a network share of 26.3%; however, Seven also claimed a network share of 26.3% with a primary share of 18.3%. 7Two has won multi channels with a 3.4% share.
Nine’s A Current Affair (650,000) found the biggest Elvis Presley fans in Australia who have a massive collection of memorabilia, cars and outfits from the King of Rock n Roll. These fanatics are recreating Graceland down under and it’s truly wild! Our favourite quote? One man said: “I always wanted to name my child Elvis, that was the easy part. Trying to find a woman that would let me do it was the hardest part.” Ha! The program also investigated the shocking moments before and after a 16-year-old boy was stabbed to death and was captured on multiple cameras. The hunt for Pasawm Lyhym’s killer has now raised concerns about Victoria’s escalating knife crime crisis. Then, 395,000 viewers tuned into The Summit. During the episode, there was an “escalating mutiny” that saw Sam Molineaux voted off the mountain. But there was a catch! The Mountain’s Keeper had tasked him with stealing a cool $10k. Getting away with it, the remaining Trekkers became paranoid over who they could trust.
487,000 began their evening in Summer Bay with Seven’s Home and Away. The challenge against Stunning Organics continued with Marilyn doubling down on her fight against the fictitious brand, Theo confided in Justin and Xander attempted to ease his survivor guilt. Then, 350,000 watched an episode of Highway Patrol. Officers Anthony Deason and Paul Holtzinger pulled over a duo who had swapped seats in their vehicle trying to skirt the law and a forthcoming man admitted to officers of drinking before driving. Another episode of the same series, which had 348,000 tune in, saw police pull over a car for being too low. They met a man who reckons he was Australia’s biggest bogan. And with a range of bad tattoos and a penchant for cigarettes and cars, he may just be right!
On 10, The Project (211,000 6:30pm / 307,000 7pm) co-host Sam Taunton interviewed Aussie actress Rose Byrne and US star Seth Rogen about their new film Platonic which arrives on AppleTV+ today. The panel also looked at the idea that a second gold rush is coming, with more and more Australians picking up the tools in search of their fortunes while India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi has landed in Australia to a rockstar welcome. Then on MasterChef Australia, it was the biggest Pressure Test the series had ever seen! Theo, Larissa and Declan had five hours to recreate Tokyo Lamington founder Eddie Stewart’s Tokyo Lamington Tower. While Theo and Declan passed with flying colours to serve up the perfect sponge, Larissa was once again sent home and this time for real. 472,000 tuned in.

The Tokyo Lamington Towers. Ten
438,000 watched ABC’s 7.30 explore the renters across Australia who are facing massive hikes to their cost of housing. The program also revealed plans for a new stadium in Tasmania which has divided the state and Sarah Ferguson interviewed British Author Bernardine Evaristo. Then, 312,000 watched The ABC Of… actor and host David Wenham travelled backwards in time with the man who came to define Australian cricket, Ian Chappell. For the first time, Ian discussed his recent stroke and how it has changed this next stage of his life. Following this, viewers stayed on for Ningaloo Nyinggulu, where author and conservationist Tim Winton delved into the remarkable links between ecosystems and traced the human relationships and migratory pathways that continue to sustain its biodiversity. 269,000 tuned in.
The highest rating non-news show on SBS was Who Do You Think You Are? Australia with 231,000 tuning in as famed entertainer, Rhonda Burchmore, investigated her mysterious maternal grandfather who abandoned her mother as a child. In the process, she was thrilled to discover a performer in her family.