TV Ratings 11 March 2025: Nine’s MAFS takes out the night with 2.8m reach

Married at First Sight

Married at First Sight reaches over 2m.

Tuesday 11 March: VOZ Total TV Ratings Overnight Top 30 – Programs ranked on reach

Total People TV Ratings

Nine’s Married at First Sight recorded a total TV national reach of 2,843,000, a total TV national audience of 1,728,000, and a BVOD audience of 472,000.

Seven’s Seven News recorded a total TV national reach of 2,364,000, a total TV national audience of 1,517,000, and a BVOD audience of 94,000.

Nine’s 9News recorded a total TV national reach of 1,953,000, a total TV national audience of 1,224,000, and a BVOD audience of 143,000.

Also on Nine, A Current Affair recorded a total TV national reach of 2,056,000, a total TV national audience of 1,219,000, and a BVOD audience of 63,000.

While Seven’s Australian Idol recorded a total TV national reach of 1,731,000 a total TV national audience of 883,000 and a BVOD audience of 83,000.

Total People 10 March 2025.

People 25-54

Nine’s Married at First Sight:
• Total TV nation reach: 1,202,000
• National Audience: 801,000
• BVOD Audience: 297,000

Nine’s 9News:
• Total TV nation reach: 773,000
• National Audience: 434,000
• BVOD Audience: 73,000

Nine’s A Current Affair:
• Total TV nation reach: 677,000
• National Audience: 384,000
• BVOD Audience: 80,000

Seven’s Seven News:
• Total TV nation reach: 639,000
• National Audience: 388,000
• BVOD Audience: 49,000

Seven’s Australian Idol:
• Total TV nation reach: 537,000
• National Audience: 249,000
• BVOD Audience: 42,000

People 25-54 10 March 2025.

People 16-39

Nine’s Married at First Sight:
• Total TV nation reach: 604,000
• National Audience: 429,000
• BVOD Audience: 210,000

Nine’s 9News:
• Total TV nation reach: 301,000
• National Audience: 165,000
• BVOD Audience: 37,000

Nine’s A Current Affair:
• Total TV nation reach: 281,000
• National Audience: 144,000
• BVOD Audience: 46,000

10’s Australian Survivor:
• Total TV nation reach: 224,000
• National Audience: 138,000
• BVOD Audience: 29,000

Seven’s Seven News:
• Total TV nation reach: 220,000
• National Audience: 128,000
• BVOD Audience: 24,000

People 16-39 10 March 2025.

Grocery Shoppers 18+ TV Ratings

Nine’s Married at First Sight:
• Total TV nation reach: 2,214,000
• National Audience: 1,364,000
• BVOD Audience: 376,000

Seven Seven News:
• Total TV nation reach: 1,860,000
• National Audience: 1,211,000
• BVOD Audience: 76,000

Nine’s 9News:
• Total TV nation reach: 1,755,000
• National Audience: 1,100,000
• BVOD Audience: 111,000

Nine’s A Current Affair:
• Total TV nation reach: 1,545,000
• National Audience: 979,000
• BVOD Audience: 116,000

Seven’s Australian Idol:
• Total TV nation reach: 1,334,000
• National Audience: 697,000
• BVOD Audience: 67,000

Grocery shoppers 10 March 2025.

Data © OzTAM and Regional TAM 2024. Not to be reproduced, published or communicated (electronically or in hard copy) in whole or in part, without prior written consent of OzTAM and Regional TAM.

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