Tourism Tasmania creative account up for pitch

Tourism Tasmania

The incumbent is BMF, which won the creative account in 2019.

Tourism Tasmania has put its lead creative agency contract up for pitch, calling for agencies to submit a Request of Expression of Interest (ROEI) through the Tasmanian Government tender website.

Mediaweek understands this is a statutory review, as per government requirements.

The creative contract will span up to seven years, beginning with an initial three-year term starting in February 2025. There are also options for two additional two-year extensions.

The appointed agency will be responsible for delivering creative and strategic work that connects travellers emotionally and culturally with Tasmania to boost visitation. It will work with the government agency to develop a creative marketing program aimed at distinguishing the state in the competitive national and international destination marketing sectors.

The incumbent creative agency is BMF, which was appointed in March 2019, alongside Clemenger BBDO which serves as the lead digital agency.

Later that year, BMF launched Tourism Tasmania’s acclaimed, long-standing Effie Award-winning brand platform, Come Down For Air.


In April, BMF spearheaded Tourism Tasmania’s Off Season campaign for its fourth consecutive year, encouraging Australians to become ‘winter people’. It marked its greatest campaign effort to date, positioning Tasmania as a key winter destination and aiming to bolster tourism during the typically quieter travel months from May to August.

The announcement comes after Tourism Australia appointed a panel of agencies for its integrated global creative and digital services. Accenture Song, The Monkeys (part of Accenture Song), and Droga5 secured a five-year contract starting in July 2024, with an initial term of three years and options for two one-year extensions. The account was previously held by M&C Saatchi.

It further follows the recent announcement that Endeavour Group had appointed BMF as its lead creative agency following a competitive pitch. The drinks and hospitality business holds a portfolio of brands including as Dan Murphy’s and BWS, previously managed by M&C Saatchi and Thinkerbell, respectively.

Mediaweek reached out Tourism Tasmania and BMF; both had no comment. 

See also: Tourism Australia appoints Accenture Song, The Monkeys and Droga5 to its creative and digital services

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