Tim Collier leaves Connecting Plots for Cummins

Tim Collier departs Connecting Plots after six years

“Like any pro-sports teams you get seasons out of key players. We’ve been lucky enough to get six.”

Connecting Plots has bid integrated strategy and planning partner Tim Collier “an emotional ‘see you soon’” as he departs the independent creative agency after six years for a role at cummins&partners.

Collier told Mediaweek that he will be moving to media and creative agency cummins&partners as head of strategy.

“I’ve loved my time at Connecting Plots and I grew so much while I was there. I’ve known Cath at cummins&partners for a long time and so when the role came up it sounded really exciting,” he said.

“I’m very happy working for independent agencies and cummins is one of the innovators in the space. It felt like a great opportunity for me to stretch myself and take on a new challenge.”

Connecting Plots CEO and founding partner, Tom Phillips, first wrote about the news on LinkedIn on Saturday:

“It’s not goodbye… it’s see you soon. Earlier this week, we said an emotional ‘see you soon’ to Tim Collier after a massive 6 years at Connecting Plots.

“I felt it important to reflect on Tim’s time with the agency and share my deep felt gratitude to his commitment, smarts and partnership.

“Tim joined us back in January 2018 in the very very early days. In the beginning we pitched and pitched and pitched and finally got our break by winning a seat on the Nestlé roster. Work then followed with Maximus, Casella Family Brands and a whole lot more before Tim decided to leave for the business the first time – a travelling itch he had to scratch.

“Luckily for us he decided to return to the agency and that’s when things kicked up a notch. In his time here he’s made some truly significant contributions. Tasked with starting our strategic offering and growing our effectiveness reputation, he’s delivered in spades along that journey.

“His significant contributions and highlights for me include winning the Menulog digital and social account, writing an Effie Award-winning paper for Fantastic Furniture, and more recently winning a 10-way pitch against some of the biggest names in the business and getting shortlisted for an APAC WARC award for Long-Term Effectiveness.”

Phillips continued: “I’ve watched in awe as Tim’s grown in maturity and smarts. Tim’s solid morals and values have made him an invaluable team member and a wonderful partner in crime. He’s never (ever) short of a point of view and he has wisdom beyond his years. His knack for nurturing relationships and talent is evident in the trust he’s built with key clients and the people he’s brought into the business.

“If Tim were an archetype, he’d be The Sage – always committed to imparting wisdom and deeper insights. His stories, whether fascinating or less so, always come from a great place of wanting to help.

“Growing an agency is no easy task, and Tim has been committed, loyal, rigorous, and fearless throughout. Many would have bowed out when the going got tough, but Tim kept going and going.

“Like any pro-sports teams you get seasons out of key players. We’ve been lucky enough to get six. But change is good for all of us. New challenges, new friends, new experiences, and adventures lie ahead. I have no doubt Tim will continue to grow and flourish as a marketing genius. And I wish him all the best for his new endeavour (which is for him to share in due course).

“For Connecting Plots he’s left us in the best shape ever. Some exciting announcements to share soon.”

Prior to joining Connecting Plots, Collier was the national head of strategy for Society Social. Following the merger of Society with Reprise, he assumed the role of head of strategy at Reprise Digital.

In August last year, Connecting Plots was appointed the creative agency of record for food and coffee franchise retailer, FoodCo.

See also:
Connecting Plots appointed as creative agency for FoodCo
Mediaweek’s Ad Placement of the Month: Delightful dessert placement takes the top spot

Top Image: Dave Jansen, Tim Collier, Sophia Kang, Tom Phillips

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