The Bachelor Australia continues to be the source of Twitter buzz on Nielsen Twitter TV Ratings’ non-sport chart for week commencing August 2. The TEN reality series dominates two of the top five positions.
Meanwhile, the premiere of The Great Australian Spelling Bee, also on TEN, had the nation talking. It had an unique audience of 51,700 and generated over 280,000 impressions.
The Ashes series once again topped Nielsen Twitter TV Ratings’ sport chart, with Australia losing 10 wickets for 60 runs during the fourth test.

Source: Nielsen Australia. Rankings based on Unique Audience. Unique Authors and Tweets are a measure of relevant Australian Twitter activity from three hours before through three hours after broadcast, local time. Reach metrics (Unique Audience and Impressions) measure the audience of relevant Tweets ascribed to a program from when the Tweets are sent until the end of the broadcast day at 5am. Non-sport includes live/new episodes only.

Source: Nielsen Australia. Rankings based on Unique Audience. Unique Authors and Tweets are a measure of relevant Australian Twitter activity from three hours before through three hours after broadcast, local time. Reach metrics (Unique Audience and Impressions) measure the audience of relevant Tweets ascribed to a program from when the Tweets are sent until the end of the broadcast day at 5am. Sport includes live/new episodes only. For simulcast events, the metrics reflect the highest Unique Audience across all airing networks, denoted with an asterisk.