The Traitors: Everything you need to know about the contestants

The Traitors

The Traitors premieres Sunday, 16 October at 7:30 pm on Channel 10 and 10play

The Traitors sees a group of 24 players, also known as Faithful, live together in a grand old hotel where they will need to have their wits about them as they carry out challenges in order to win silver bars, contributing to a prize pool of silver worth up to $250,000. 

See also: Lies, betrayal, and murder: Knives come out on The Traitors

Alex, 25, Model, South Australia 

A social media coordinator, Alex admits she’s “sassy and bossy with a dark sense of humour”. Alex hopes her modelling background will help her through the game and that her fellow players will think she’s just a pretty face and not see the strategy underneath the glamorous exterior. 

Alex believes she has the skills to play the game hard. She says: “I think I’ll be good at this because I’m very good at ready people. I feel it’ll be a lot about relationships and connections which I’m good at. I’m also quite good at detecting liars so hopefully, I can tell who is not being themselves”. 

Angus, 38, Sales Manager, Queensland 

Hailing from Mount Tamborine in Queensland, Angus is married with two kids and his family mean everything to him, but he is willing to play hard to win big saying: “Loyalty means nothing to me in this game”.

Angus has no fear about being chosen as a Traitor and believes it will be a better option for him as he loves a challenge and this is it would be more fun than being a Faithful. He says: “I’m excited by an adventure and that’s what makes me a different competitor. I’m fascinated by people and want to know what makes you tick and if I have to play a little devious in this game to get what I need then all sweet”. 

Chole, 30, Clairvoyant, New South Wales 

Chloe is excited to show Australia and her fellow players her psychic skills and wants to even have some sceptics in the mix to change people’s perceptions of her abilities. She says: “I would love to have a sceptic in this game because I can change their mind”. 

Chloe plans to be communicating with the spirits to win the game. Chloe will only share the knowledge of who she believes to be a Traitor during a Banishment Ceremony, “I’m going to keep it to myself because you can’t trust anyone, which is the game”.

Claire ,52, Supermarket Checkout Operator, New South Wales

Mum of two and a checkout operator from Sydney, Claire loves to live her life with laughter and isn’t afraid of a challenge. She’s also studying and finishing her certificate four in community services. 

Playing the game for her two daughters, Claire is here to prove no matter what age you are, you should go for it saying: “You have to put it into your heart that you can do it, so that’s what I’m going to do. We can all do it once you set yourself a goal”.

Craig, 57, Business Coach, Queensland 

Craig is a Business Coach from the Sunshine Coast who believes his career experience is setting him up in good stead for The Traitors. 

Not afraid to be chosen as a Traitor, Crag does worry his empathetic side might come out and give his game away but if he’s a Faithful, he feels his ability to read body language will help him uncover who they are. 

Dirk, 34, Hotel Concierge, Victoria 

As an executive concierge at hotels in Melbourne, Dirk knows how to read someone quickly to work out what they want. He has looked after everyone from royal families to celebrities and is used to telling white lies to keep his clients happy. He likes to compare himself to a swan saying: “I’m super graceful up top and furiously kicking underneath the water”.

Dirk is also a cabaret performer and actor and believes being the youngest of his siblings has helped him feel comfortable in social circles and find his own way to stand out.

Ethan, 27, Fitness Instructor, Victoria 

A self-confessed lone wolf, Ethan runs a health and fitness company out of Melbourne and says his greatest passion in life is helping other people find and break the barrier they have on themselves. 

Excited to play the game, Ethan says: “I would really like to be chosen as a Traitor. You can just go in and mess stuff up and that sounds fun”. 

Fiona, 26, Dancer, Victoria 

Fiona is a dancer from Melbourne who is looking forward to playing a big game but also wants to stay true to herself, saying: “I will definitely be playing this game and I’ll be playing it well but I’ll be playing as myself. 

While she admits she has no filter and can’t hide her expressions. Fiona believes she is a good judge of character and has a strong ability to read people. Hoping not to let her game face give her away. Fiona is willing to be a Traitor but also thinks her compassion and caring nature will make her a great Faithful. 

Jack, 25, Chess Champion, Queensland 

A champion chess player, Jack is all about strategy and thinking moves ahead of competitors, a plan he’s hoping to put into place in the game of The Traitors. 

Jack believes he would have an advantage over some of the other players, as he gets into people’s minds every day, reading body language as a chess player and chess coach. He also grew up representing at the state level for different sports so Jack hopes his physical side will also work to his advantage. 

The Traitors

Justine, 36, Social Worker, Queensland 

A single mum of two, Justine is a Ganguri woman from Brisbane who keeps herself very busy. Between raising her children, she is a social worker, has a podcast, does charity work and public speaking about family and domestic violence. With her high energy and fun nature, Justine will play a strong social game. 

Justine admits to being a natural leader and is planning to use her life skills to advance her game, saying: “Everything that’s happened has shaped me and made me who I am. I think it’s taught me to be resilient and tough when I need to be. I grab life now and jump in feet first, with no apologies.”

Kashindi, 20, Law Student, Queensland 

A Bachelor of Law student, Kash says she’s not someone you can read right away and plans to sue that as part of her strategy. She says: “The biggest misconception about me is that I’m rude and I think it’s because I have a resting face. I also like to observe before I talk so that can come off as arrogant or rude but I’m actually very loving and funny”.

Kash’s main goal is to win and she is willing to do what it takes to get there, saying: “Loyalty is everything in my life but not in the game. In the game, I don’t owe anyone anything. Nobody helped me get into this game”.

Kate, 38, Photographer, New South Wales 

Kate is a photographer and actor who loves to play games that involve strategy and mental agility, but she’s also aware The Traitors will be next level. 

Not one to usually play dirty. Kate is aware she might need to be devious and play with misdirection and trust. She says: “I really need people to be loyal to me but I am not intending on being loyal to them. If one of us breaks that trust at some point, I am fully aware the whole thing is going to crumble”.

Lewis, 33, Electrician, Queensland 

A cheeky sparky from the Sunshine Coast, Lewis says he will lie with a smile, straight to your face. 

As a tradie, lewis believes problem-solving is one of his strongest attributes, but he is also quite happy to be a little devious to get to the end. He says: “If I was an animal in this game, I would be a rat or a ferret. I don’t want to be a big cat that everyone is looking and hunting for, I want to be the one in the tree who can pop down and take the spoils of war”.

Marielle, 24, Law & International Politics Student, South Australia 

If there’s anyone who can handle the pressure of a double life, it’s Marielle. Studying a double degree in law and international politics, Marielle is also a bartender, a human rights advocate, a volunteer and a triathlete. 

Hoping to use her legal debating skills to defend or stand up for herself, she says if she’s chosen as a Traitor, it might go against her moral code saying: “Being a Faithful aligns with my desire to follow the rules and do the right thing but we’re playing a game. There’s nothing off the cards for me, I’ll do whatever it takes when I get in the game”.

Mark, 33, Legal Professional, New South Wales 

Outgoing, social and always up for a laugh, Mark says he’s good at seeing or feeling when someone is lying to him and thinks body language and facial expressions will help him find out the truth. 

Mark is also not the type of player to keep secrets from his fellow players saying: “I am considering do I tell people everything or keep some cards close to my chest. But I’m struggling to see how that would benefit me. It’s really hard to maintain a lie, It’s exhausting”. 

Matt, 32, Real Estate Agent, Queensland 

Matt is a one-of-a-kind real estate agent from the Gold Coast. He’s known for his fun take on the industry and wants to show Australia that not all real estate agents are bad, saying: “I do think real estate agents get a bad rap but unfortunately a lot of agents don’t have their clients best interests at heart. One of my favourite sayings in life is there are estate agents and there are real estate agents”. 

Wanting to prove real estate agents can have a heart, Matt says in the real world his word is his bond. He says: “Loyalty means everything to me coming from an Italian family. We’re very big on ethics, doing the right thing, loyalty and family is everything”. 

MK, 59, Criminal Lawyer, Victoria 

A former police officer and now a criminal lawyer, ML says he knows when someone is guilty or not and can read people within 30 seconds. 

He says: “I have been dealing with liars all my life. Criminal law can be a game of deception but you can’t be too soft. You need the heart of a lion, but the heart of a sheep. I’ve got the heart of a lion and in this game, I am there to find the sheep”. 

Midy, 29, Strategy Consultant, New South Wales 

Midy loves games and is looking forward to his love of escape rooms and video games to help him move forward in The Traitors, and he wants to have a bit of fun while he’s there. 

Conflicted over being a Traitor or a Faithful, Midy says: “If I was chosen as a Faithful then I would feel at home because I’m authentic and want to be the one who uncovers the wolves hiding amongst us and lead us to victory”. 

Millie, 27, Vet Nurse, New South Wales 

As a veterinary nurse, Millie is used to being presented with a problem with no clear solution and learning how to troubleshoot on the spot. Reading non-verbal cues is a big part of her role and she says: “It’s life or death for a lot of our patients and you have to be extremely calm under pressure. You need to be versatile and read a room”. 

Millie says people often mistake her for being light and bubbly and she wants to prove there’s more to her. The cash prize of $250,000 is also a big motivator as she would use it towards her wedding at the end of the year. 

Nigel, 50, Hostage Negotiator, Tasmania 

Hiding who you really are in a game like The Traitors can be critical and extortion response consultant Nigel will definitely be hiding a major part of his life. 

Admitting he is stubborn like a bull, Nigel is also highly competitive and thinks playing as a Traitor would be a fun side to play for. He says: “I think you have the ability to control the game a little bit more and as The Traitors come together, you create a bit of a pact and work together on who to target”.

Olivia, 43, Forensic Investigator, Victoria 

Olivia is obsessed with solving puzzles saying: “If there was a board game in front of me and a piece was missing, I would literally turn the house upside down until I found the missing piece”.

She says: “I am the Queen of composure. I have to be with my job. This is a game of deceit and a game where you trust no one. I am going in there knowing everything is going to be lying o me and I’m a good liar so I will fish them out”.

Paul, 61, Financial Investigator, Queensland 

A financial investigator, Paul is competitive and grew up with the saying: “You don’t win silver, you lose gold. That was always what my parents taught me”.

Paul is hopeful his social game will also help him through the game but believes the secret to being a great Traitor is to deceive and manipulate but to do it with humour as he says: “You get more bees with honey. As far as I’m concerned, you trust nobody”.

Sandra, 26, Personal Trainer, New South Wales 

Not one to be pushed around, Sandra will stand up for herself and isn’t afraid to keep her fellow players on their toes. 

Her plan to get to the end involves two phases and she says the first will be to sit back and observe and then she’ll strike. Sandra says: “My second phase will be working out what to do with the information, form alliances and use my skills of manipulation to get to the end. I love this game because it’s all about mental strategy, emotional resilience and physical challenges.”

Teresa, 42, Sports Club President, Western Australia 

Hilarious and not one to hide in the background. Teresa also says: “I’m loud, boisterous, bossy, You’ll either love me or hate me, there’s no in-between. But I think you’ll love me”.

Teresa thinks her competitiveness will also get her to the end, saying: “I don’t think you understand how competitive I am and if I lose this game, I am going to cry. I’m going to burn down wherever we are and then I’ll start a Go Fund Me page”.

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