The Carousel gets a facelift

Web redesign for Robyn Foyster’s The Carousel

Following its recent partnership with independent website CarAdvice, Robyn Foyster‘s The Carousel has undergone a redesign. The female-focused lifestyle site has been optimised to be mobile-first, Foyster told Mediaweek. “It’s really based on user demand. We’re seeing more and more people coming via the mobile. We have a new toggle for the mobile site so you can go straight from articles to video,” she said.

The site also has three new verticals – travel, tech and news. Foyster was recently selected as a Telstra Business Influencer, and a new video series featuring her and other influencers such as The AU Review’s Larry Heath will now be syndicated across both The Carousel and the Telstra Exchange site. To see the new site, go to

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