The Ads That Made Us: Moving house, Mechanics, and Making the most of Bali

ads that made us nov 3

This Week: Ty Frost, Blake Wright, and Tom Crimmins

Whether it’s a childhood jingle that you can still sing word for word, or a campaign that influences the way you work today, everyone has an ad that has really stuck with them.

Mediaweek has been asking the industry to take a trip down memory lane, to find out all about the ads that made us. 

Ty Frost – Morning Announcer, Smooth FM

LJ Hooker

“Working for smooth fm and hearing our now famous jingle, it made me think about campaigns where a jingle has stuck in my mind. The tune of Carly Simon’s Nobody Does it Better started floating through my head and I immediately remembered it was used by LJ Hooker in the 90s. It was also the oft impersonated tag line that featured the sweet kid at the end saying, ‘Thank you Mr Hooker’, that also made the campaign iconic.”

Blake Wright – Head Of Sales, NSW, Are Media

Lube Mobile 

“Gone are the days of the jingle. Ads these days, particularly on TV, set out to be cinematic masterpieces, to tug at the heartstrings or to tell a story. While they are nice to watch, they don’t stick like they used to!

“Classics like the Lube Mobile TV ad from the early 2000s still ring in my head to this day, over 20 years on. It’s a number I don’t think many people in their late 20s or early 30s will ever forget, along with the phone number at the start of Soulja Boy’s Kiss Me Through The Phone.

“Bring back simpler times and the classic jingle to drive cut through in 2023!”

Tom Crimmins – Art Director, The Pistol

AAMI (Rhonda and Ketut)

“Storytelling in advertising at its finest. From the beginning, it’s clear that AAMI wanted to capture an ‘everyday’ Aussie persona that was honest and relatable. They knocked it out of the park with Rhonda, nailing everything from her sweet but slightly awkward demeanour, to her sunglasses tan and flirtatious exchanges with the hunky Ketut.

“Everyone was hanging out for the next ‘episode’ to air so we could see what would happen next.

“It was genuine, it was compelling, and it was funny. Not bad for a car insurance ad.

“There’s been few instances of dialogue in advertising that climbs from the status of memorable to iconic, becoming a genuine part of Australian culture. This campaign is certainly one of them.

“For decades to come, Aussies will continue to jokingly and lovingly inform their sunburnt friends and family that today they ‘look hot, like a sunrise’.”

See Also: The Ads That Made Us: Sheds, Skipping rope, and Sic ‘em Rex

Top Image: Ty Frost, Blake Wright, Tom Crimmins

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