Karen Halligan: 'BVOD and broadcast TV continues to reach a vast majority of the national population each week, with BVOD viewing particularly...
Key insights for advertisers from the 2024 TV ratings survey year.
Karen Halligan: 'This launch aggregates BVOD inventory at scale and represents a significant innovation as we prepare for VOZ as a trading...
Agencies have been frustrated with the delay, and say “the complexities around VOZ are regularly misunderstood and underestimated."
The MFA's Sophie Madden said that "industry education and training is the next crucial step to ensure a successful rollout."
Agencies would not switch to VOZ as a trading currency until it achieves gold standard certification.
The new VOZ Total TV data will rank the Top 30 programs for the previous night by national reach.
Changes mean no TV ratings until after 11.30am daily, only national figures, reach is the new norm
"2023 has been a real turning point."
The third and final phase of broader industry adoption is now underway.
Sadler: "We are supportive of OzTam and VOZ, but we're also inquisitive and we are exploring avenues around the Video Future Collective."
"Unity needs to be our industry catchcry moving forward"
Van den Biezenbos: "VOZ Streaming supports OzTAM’s mission to deliver a world class all-screen audience measurement service"
Angus Ross, Seven chief content officer, entertainment programming: "The best is still to come this year on Seven"