• Brushed: Viewers prefer Anh Do’s Todd Sampson portrait
• Scott Cam arrived on-site and called “tools down”.
• 10 secured five of the top 10 spots in under 50s, 16 to 39s and 18 to 49s, and four of...
• Matthew Blank. Google and 2020 Emmys
• Nine’s Director of Powered, Liana Dubois, comments
• Five couples will convert five run-down houses into five opulent homes
• Co-creator Julian Cress: ‘It feels to me like the right show at the right time’
• The original Halifax (9Now) is a who’s who of acting icons
• The five contestants will be competing on a 2761-square metre block of land in the suburb of Brighton in Melbourne
Five couples must transform the five dilapidated houses into five luxury homes
• Returning for a new season is Scott, Shelley, Shaynna, Darren, Neale, Keith and Dan
Peter Tonagh, Kevin Rudd, The Clarions awards, Lisa Wilkinson, Emma Alberici, Scott Cam, The Block. My Kitchen Rules, Hungry Ghosts, W magazine,...
• Celebrating 20 years on Australian television, Scott Cam is back as host.
• Google, Facebook, oOh!media, triple j, Brad Blanks, Triple M, 4BC, National Geographic Kids, Matt Preston, Karl Stefanovic and Netflix