'Most of the creditors are now getting all their money back'
KFC, Isuzu UTE Australia, Captain Morgan and Nutra-Life are backing the show
An array of familiar faces from the series’ colourful past will also return
Kelly will be covering 43 matches in the next 48 days
Herd was previously Ten's director of corporate and regulatory affairs
Network Ten announces sponsorship team for summer TV's biggest sport offering
Wilkinson will lead the editorial team at ten daily and contribute to the website
TEN scores across all screens
'I am not going to spin a BS line that I resigned'
CBS Corporation completed its acquisition of Ten yesterday
The American broadcaster is now the new owner of all Ten assets
The decision came on the morning after Ten's upfront.
Ten shows off what's coming in 2018 + CBS takeover
Ten to up its game in digital in 2018