Plus: Why SXSW is the perfect launching pad
Plus: A sneak peek of SXSW Sydney
Names include Mediaweek’s own Greg Graham
Were they really thinking about Sparrow with the saying: Keep Austin weird!?
Plus: What has been announced at SXSW Sydney so far
"We couldn’t ask for better partners than the pros at Present Company, Thinking Loud, Organic and Red Havas"
"I had an amazing and somewhat overwhelming experience at SXSW"
"The whole experience was inspiring, eye opening, jam packed"
"I came to be inspired and it delivered in spades!"
"We were also stunned by the level of interest, receiving over 1,400 entries to Session Select in our first year"
"I’m 100% a 'South by' convert"
"I tried to prepare myself for it, but the actual size and scale of it was quite incredible"
Plus: The one thing that surprises Webb in the last 12 months
William Shatner: "I turned back to the earth and it was the white and blue, and that was life."