• Australia’s Montaigne is set to reveal her performance in the world’s biggest song competition
• The series is produced by Angie Fielder and Polly Staniford
• Viewers will learn some classic Australian songs, including Throw Your Arms Around Me
• "Normally I work with one or two cameras out in the field, these days I’m standing around seven cameras in a...
• Australia’s Food Bowl with Stefano de Pieri is produced by Cut To: Productions
• "This documentary doesn’t say ‘get off your phone’ entirely... All it’s saying is let’s explore the ways that we use tech"
• On average, one woman a week is killed by a current or former partner in Australia
• Two top Aussie programs to check out are Wakefield (iView) and The Tailings (SBS On Demand).
• Shows include Could You Survive on the Breadline? and What the Hell Just Happened?
• It is the world's first interactive documentary
• The series will provide everyday inspiration for foodies and non-foodies alike
• Nine cleans up again as #1 primary channel and #1 network
• Plus what advice did Jenny Brockie give her?
• Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples represent 3.3 per cent of the Australian population