SBS's coverage of the tournament has reached 7.9 million Australians to date.
The coverage spans across the broadcaster's digital platforms too.
Free TV details how SBS moved away from multicultural role.
The live broadcast of the match peaked at 2.5 million viewers.
Optus Sport will be available for free until August 31.
There are still at least two Socceroos games to come, but in less-friendly timeslots.
The streaming problems have become a nightmare for Optus and have attracted the interest even of the PM.
The first Socceroos game was the most-watched program on Saturday June 16.
'It is fantastic to have a diverse cast of local actors to bring this story to life.'
Each successful filmmaking team will receive up to $30,000 to produce 5-15 minutes of content.
The chief football analyst talks to Mediaweek from Russia about 2018 World Cup
Both of the FIFA World Cup Russia 2018 apps have been developed jointly by Optus Sport and SBS.
Director of sport Ken Shipp: 'Optus almost a gift from heaven!'
The commencement of Rohingya and Telugu services will be announced soon.