LiSTNR has more hit podcasts, iHeartPodcast Network has most downloads
The Teacher’s Trial and Hannah’s Story both push into Top 20
Casefile True Crime comes second, Mammamia Out Loud rounds out top three
LiSTNR came in as the top sales representatives of the month
The top publisher of the month was ARN / iHeartMedia
Podcast Ranker December 2022: Highest new entry this month from DM Podcasts – Tim Elliott's Inside the Tribe
ARN was the top publisher with 18,302,166 monthly downloads
ARN also scores top publisher of the month
Plus: Brenda, Call Me!, Schwartz Media, Osher Günsberg, The Chaser Report and Podcast Ranker
ARN / iHeartMedia have come in as the top publisher
• The biggest overall lift this month came from ARN’s Revisionist History
• Will & Woody's catch-up podcast also saw a big lift to #44
• The biggest riser overall was The Chaser Report
• Nine's Liar, Liar: Melissa Caddick and the Missing Millions debuts to sixth