“The 24/7 nature of news and commentary nowadays means people are always on."
"Nothing spurs a more heated discussion than the question of what are the best ever songs."
• The broadcaster introduced new breakfast announcers at all four of its metro AM news talk stations
Nine Radio's fourth new breakfast show of 2020
• The findings were launched at a virtual presentation on Wednesday
• Strategy to better commercialise talk radio + plans for music network
• 9Voyager will also offer radio from early 2021
“I feel like I have come home."
• Breen is the definition of a Brisbane local
• The move comes as Nine brings to an end its 25-year relationship with the Australian Traffic Network.
Marketing man quits PwC for brekky radio
June 1 the date 4BC gets its new local breakfast show
• New studios for Ray, Alan, Ross, John, Kyle, Jackie, Fitzy & Wippa
• “The coming together of radio and television is not about trying to get lots of Nine TV people on radio”