Monique Perry: 'Nielsen’s extensive data suite has become essential for any brand, agency, advertiser, or marketer focused on using data to stay...
Rose Lopreiato: 'The rise of social media spend shows that brands are keen to reach their audiences where they spend most of...
CommBank was followed by ANZ and Westpac.
Electric vehicle media spend up sevenfold since 2021.
The $175.5m in ad expenditure from July 2023 to June 2024 includes an increase of 19% from May to June alone.
The insurance sector invested more than $446m in advertising, a 6% year-on-year increase. Travel insurance grew 120% year-on-year.
The gap in confidence and capability is pronounced in the APAC region, only 45% of marketers are confident in their ability to...
The Nielsen Top 20 list is calculated through analysis of advertising trends and spending between January and December.
"One of the most competitive retail periods of the year."
Olson-Keating: "The whole industry is another step closer to the holy grail of a single measurement standard for total TV."
From January to October this year, US$107 billion in ad revenue was injected into Asia’s media industry
A look inside top 50 dominated by retail, QSR, tech/telco and streaming platforms
"Launching Nielsen ONE Content and Ads globally helps us power a better media future"
The new data reveals 25% of Panthers fans say they like to own a vehicle that is “aggressive-looking”