The exclusive promotion will be heavily supported across Pacific’s print, social and digital assets
Head of digital and innovations Darren Kerry discusses deadlines, traffic growth + focus on data
Pac Mags' digital rollout continues: Better Homes and Gardens, and New Idea websites relaunch
Better Homes and Gardens is #1: Australia’s most read magazine
New Idea editor Louisa Hatfield on TV Extra, digital successes and the cover names that sell
New Idea will now include a 16-page bonus TV guide dedicated to showcasing new television content branded as TV Extra.
On the stands today: Hugh Jackman on Men's Style + InStyle welcomes spring fashion with Anne Hathaway
Pacific Magazines' cross-platform focus sees eighth consecutive quarter of growth
A look at the mag stand: Nicole Kidman on Vogue + Mel Doyle on New Idea
On the mag stand: Gourmet Traveller's Restaurant Awards nominees and Top Gear Australia reveals Car of the Year
Mags on stand: Taylor Swift fronts the new issue of Elle Australia
Pacific Magazines looks at options for NZ titles
Monthly and binmonthly issues of big shot fashion and food mags hit the stands
• Weekly • Monthly