• 2022 Lexus Melbourne Cup Day falls on Tuesday, 1 November
• The show will take has singles to some of the most romantic destinations in the world
Trackside with Network 10 at Albert Park with Medicom’s Tom Willson
• The New Daily to have access to breaking news footage and 10 News First news bulletins
• Australia Unites: Red Cross Flood Appeal will air live on Saturday, March 12, from 7.30pm
Gareth Tomlin: General Manager, Data, Insights and Analytics, Paramount ANZ
10's highest commercial shares since March 2021, live stream audience up 26% year-on-year
Two major shows not returning: One you could guess, the other, a surprise?
When it comes to the PR war, 10 has taken the points with plenty of Sunday print and online coverage
Production of a second season will commence in Sydney later in 2021
Cup Week on 10: Hosts, commentary and entertainment