96FM remains #2.
96FM falls to #2.
Triple M tumbles.
Nathan, Nat & Shaun still brekky champs.
Nova recorded 14.6% while 96FM recorded 14.3%.
96FM drops to #2.
Mix 94.5 drops 3.4 points.
Mix 94.5 record a 15.3% share.
Nova is still #1 in breakfast.
Speed: “Joining such an iconic brand like Perth’s Mix 94.5 is genuinely a dream come true."
• 10 daily, Mix 94.5, Stephen Beers, BBC Studios, Disney+, WA Family Court judge, Craig McLachlan, U2 frontman Bono, Vanuatu ban +...
• Mix fighting Nova for Perth bragging rights
“I was actually asleep when my phone rang"
How Mix 94.5 and Hit 92.9 managed to top the ratings chart