"Mediahub is now in a strong position to offer its clients the power of an indie backed by the capabilities of a...
"It's exciting to be at the forefront of the industry with this pioneering partnership with Teads"
Macey said: "I’m thrilled to take on this new role after several years of being embedded in Mediahub’s business and the work...
The first campaigns are expected in market by mid-year
• The full-service media agency has recently made five new hires and a promotion
• AHI Carrier Australia represents Toshiba Air conditioners and heat pumps
• AkzoNobel owns brands such as Dulux, Sikkens, Hammerite and Alabastine
MediaHub provided 3 free to air, dedicated, live 24-hour news channels in 3 days
ABC and WIN Corp are the founding MediaHub shareholders
MediaHub’s early days included clients such as SBS, TVN and the FOX International group of channels.
Under the new arrangement parallel playout operations will begin this November