Foxtel has unveiled the cast for The Real Housewives of Sydney. Filming for the show commences in September with the show set...
The viewer numbers for The Kettering Incident dipped in week 29, inviting Wentworth to take over as the most-watched non-sports program on...
The weekly panel discussion of the week’s biggest media-related news stories discussed by Mediaweek editor James Manning, deputy editor Dan Barrett, and digital...
Season 4 finale on SoHo next Tuesday and season five starts shooting next month
Universal Music and Foxtel settle dispute as Bieber and others return to Channel [V]
Nominees in 41 categories include Anthony Warlow, Cate Blanchett, Noni Hazlehurst, Richard Roxburgh and Catherine McClements
Foxtel's new mystery series The Kettering Incident makes the most out of its mysterious Tasmanian setting, embracing its dark, foreboding landscape.
Dedicated 24/7 Fox Sports Wimbledon channel with 600+ hours of live action
BBC Worldwide has confirmed that Nicole Kidman will be part of the cast of Top of The Lake: China Doll.
Tommy Little to host Foxtel's new show Whose Line Is It Anyway? Australia. The program will premiere in the second half of...
Streaming service hayu, dubbed ‘Netflix for reality television’, will now be available to Foxtel’s Entertainment Plus subscribers at no extra cost. Foxtel, which...
The new Foxtel political thriller Secret City doesn’t hide its influences
WildBear Entertainment and CCTV10 to co-produce The War that Changed the World: The Making of a new China, a story about the...
Film critic Margaret Pomeranz faces a new challenge as she embraces reviewing TV for new Foxtel series