ARIA's 2015 bestselling artists: Four of the top seven albums were released in 2014 or before!ARIA's 2015 bestselling artists:
Paul Walker tribute track "See You Again" tops YouTube's most-watched music videos in Australia in 2015
ARIA Charts: Adele and Elvis unite again at the top, five new albums and two classics go top 10
ARIA Charts: Ellie Goulding & Drake big movers, Triple J keeps Chisel from #1 album
ARIA Charts: Bieber dethroned on singles, Parkway Drive crunch big field for #1 album
ARIA Charts: 5 new albums in top 10 with Lana Del Ray #1, Bieber #1 single before Rooftop show
ARIA Charts: Leaders unchanged, chart surges from Peking Duk and INXS (again)