The networks are gearing up to launch a full-scale cross-platform news and analysis rollout.
"I use every ounce of my skill to draw them in and make them feel like this is a real conversation, not...
• "I love television that entertains and then gives you something"
• Plus Ms Represented, Nova announces two new pods, iHeartPodcast Network's numbers, and Browny’s Podcast
• "There are things that people will look back on in the course of this TV show that will make us flinch"
The best show on TV next week is Ms Represented with Annabel Crabb
Leigh Sales and Annabel Crabb will debut a culture conversation show on iview this week.
Annabel Crabb to return to ABC with a fifth season of Kitchen Cabinet + new series exclusive to iview
The ABC will have the first interview with Treasurer Joe Hockey and Shadow Treasurer Chris Bowen on May 12