The agreement takes effect on 3 June 2024.
The agreement takes effect on 3 June 2024, and covers six locations along James Ruse Drive.
Rigby left his previous role as oOh!media's group revenue director earlier this year.
The Paris 2024 Digital Screen Network is set to reach more than 80% of adults.
"It’s about combining two broadcast channels to deliver maximum audience reach and campaign effectiveness."
QMS' general manager, City of Sydney, said the numbers demonstrate why Sydney is a major event capital.
In 2023, the Mardi Gras parade saw Oxford Street record a 78% audience increase.
In 93 years, the Good Friday Appeal has raised over $444 million for sick children and their families
Tennille Burt: "QMS is proud to play a small role in supporting Vision Australia to help make that happen."
John O'Neill: "We're forecasting double-digit growth"
"My mentors not only provide a sounding board and the occasional wake up call, but are also an enduring reminder of who...
John O'Neill: "This enhanced management structure enables us to maximise our next phase of growth"
The new premium billboards will help deliver advertisers more than 23 million impressions a week
The Paralympic Games will be held from August 28 to September 8