Jimmy & Nath decided to make it all about the ladies of Hobart.
• Although co-hosting from Italy for 12 months poses a few challenges
Dylan Alcott is a Paralympic gold and silver medallists and world champion across tennis and basketball.
• Find out the winner of the Best Drive Radio Show
• Where will the Moonman work his Triple M magic next?
• Users will have the option to create a log in via www.hit.com.au or www.triple.com.au
London will continue to host Ash London Live weeknights 6.30pm-8pm.
• Tothill’s role in Adelaide will now fall under Matthew O’Reilly
Mediaweek editor James Manning examines the GFK radio survey 6 results for each metro commercial station.
• VidCon chat with SCA’s national breakfast host and her international ambitions
Tickets to the Backstreet Boys live in Las Vegas can only be won by listening to the Hit Network.
The intimate event was held at Justin Hemmes’s Slip Inn.
'I’d never seen a biological relative of mine in my 30 years on this planet.'
'Blonde bombshell, glamorous bogan and Australia’s best friend'