• OMG is in the top three per cent of companies managing Google accounts globally
• Over 30 independent media outlets are participating a collective freeze
• The tech giant recorded A$17.86 billion, an increase of 28% year-on-year
• Ben Roberts-Smith, Erin Molan & Facebook, The Hot 100, Google and MasterChef shutdown
The hearings will allow the Committee to scrutinise the social media and technology industry’s response to online harms and abuse.
• The successful teams will participate in workshops in February
• Murdoch emails, NBCUniversal, Free TV Australia, Time person of the year, drama report, Martha Kalifatidis
• We turned to Google Search to understand the world around us, learn new skills, and find inspiration
• The authorisation is for a period of 10 years until 22 November 2031
• Plus Young Rich List, Angie Kent, Allison Langdon, Back to the Rafters
• Plus: Social media giants facing hefty fines, New Gold Mountain, Bert Newtown, and media diversity
• Digital Advertising Services Inquiry report, Abbie Chatfield and Young Talent Time
• The ACCC has recommended that it be given powers that allow it to address the issue
• Journalism content from Yahoo will appear across multiple Google services