2024 marks six years since Sarge and the ‘Insurance Solved’ platform was introduced to Australia.
Attivo owns 303 MullenLowe in Australia and shares ownership of Mediahub Australia with IPG's Mediabrands Australia.
"I'm looking forward to marrying 303 MullenLowe’s pedigree of robust thinking with an entrepreneurial creative spirit"
The agency also announced the promotions of Johnathan Julius, Smiljka Dimitrijevic and Taryn Payne
"I’ll forever be grateful for the time I’ve spent with my 303 MullenLowe family, but I’m also excited to see what’s next"
• Kabbaz was most recently head of strategic design at Merkle ANZ
Today show hosts have Covid, 303 Mullenlowe, Kitly Creator Network, Seven News, and Shane Warne's funeral
• Managing director Joanna Gray said: "We head into Q2 and beyond with solid growth and momentum"
• They are also selling a minority share of Mediahub Worldwide Asia-Pacific
• The ads will challenge the beauty stereotype of women