‘Strategy is not a single discipline’: Celia Garforth on the difference between creative and media strategy

“(Special) is a independent, local partner-owned and operated agency that’s punching far above its weight on a global scale.”

Celia Garforth, head of strategy at Special, has told Mediaweek that the most common misconception about her work is “that ‘strategy’ is a single discipline.”

Garforth took home the win for Creative Agencies at Mediaweek‘s 2024 Next of the Best Awards.

Mediaweek caught up with Garforth to speak about what excites her about creative agencies in the industry right now, how Special stands out amongst other agencies and what the industry can expect next from her.

The awards have been judged by an all-star line-up, what does it mean to you to be recognised by this group?

It’s incredibly gratifying, and a wonderful moment to ‘look up’ from the day-to-day that’s spent mostly consumed in your own small pocket of the industry.

What is the most common misconception about the work that you do?

That ‘strategy’ is a single discipline. It’s not. Creative strategy is vastly different to media strategy, which is very different again from business strategy or marketing strategy or brand strategy.

What excites you most about creative agencies in the industry right now?

The epic rise of Indie agencies, and strong strategy-led start-ups. Clients’ needs have radically changed in the last couple of decades, and while this has broken the old model, it’s also opened up so many more opportunities for differently-shaped and sized offerings, many of which have an up-stream approach to creative strategy consultancy baked into the heart of them.

How does Special stand out amongst other creative agencies?

It’s an independent, local partner-owned and operated agency that’s punching far above its weight on a global scale. I can’t think of many (or any?) other agencies here in Australia that would provide the opportunity to run an entire account across so many markets, on a huge global brand, with the calibre of strategic and creative opportunities that we get, all from here. We are essentially exporting strategic and creative thinking that starts in Australia through Asia, and sometimes when we are lucky, beyond.

Being Next of The Best – what can the industry expect next from you?

Hopefully more interesting strategy work that leads to brilliant creative work, that in turn drives outsize business impact!

Top image: Celia Garforth

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