Social media platforms top potential advertising reach in Australia


• Australians spend a daily average of six hours and 13 minutes online

DataReportal have released the 2022 Global Overview Report, in partnership with We Are Social and Hootsuite, which reveals an insights into global data on internet use, social media growth, e-commerce and advertising.

It found that the most of the connected world continues to grow faster than it did before the pandemic.

The report found Australians spend a daily average of six hours and 13 minutes on the internet, which is below the global average of six hours and 58 minutes.

For potential advertising reach in Australia’s over 18 demographic, YouTube had the most reach at 89.3%, followed by LinkedIn at 65.1% and TikTok at 37.0%.

In the over 13 population, Facebook stays strong with reach 69.5%, followed by Snapchat at 33.6% and Pinterest with a reach of 20.5%.

The social media user numbers has grown to 4.62 billion, which is 3.1 times higher than 1.48 billion published by the report in 2012, spending a global average of 2 hours and 27 minutes, which is up 1.4%.

Suzie Shaw, CEO at We Are Social Sydney, said: “Once again, the Digital 2022 report highlights how social media is a key channel for brands to engage their audience, with significant growth both globally and locally, across key metrics like penetration and time spent.

“Australians in particular use an average of 6 different platforms every month, with TikTok seeming to grab their attention more than others: TikTok users spent nearly 24 hours per month using the platform’s mobile app during 2021, over 30% longer than Youtube. We’re anticipating a lot of platform innovation in 2022, which presents great opportunities for brands.”

Maggie Lower, CMO of Hootsuite, said: “As we see the number of social media users continue to grow, it’s clear that social will continue to be where organizations build communities and engage directly across all demographics—tailoring their message and approach based on the audience they are trying to reach.

“I am excited to see how brands evolve with social trends as they leverage their platforms to be advocates and community builders. Through the data we glean from our Digital 2022 report, we will help guide our customers to the right social media platform for each audience.

“The pandemic has brought to light how social media is intrinsically intertwined with how we live, work, operate, and shop. In a time when social distance regulations and non-essential business closures impact businesses everywhere, social commerce is often one of the only ways for brands to stay open and connected with consumers.

“If brands and organizations want to remain relevant, they will need to digitize and implement a social commerce strategy,” she added.

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