Scope3 launches always-on ad emissions measuring tool

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Buyers will be able to compare their advertising activity to market benchmarks, simulate carbon and waste reduction, and initiate actions to decarbonise.

Scope3 has introduced Media Reporting, an always-on ad emissions measuring tool for brands and media buyers to measure ad emissions and reduce waste across their digital ad campaigns.
Media Reporting will enable buyers to bring campaign data from anywhere they buy digital media to get a holistic view of their campaign emissions and performance in one place, the Scope3 Collaborative Sustainability Platform.

Buyers will be able to compare the emissions of their advertising activity to market benchmarks, simulate carbon and waste reduction against performance for their campaigns, and initiate recommended actions to decarbonise.

Anne Coghlan, co-founder and COO at Scope3, said: “Sustainability is a lever for driving efficiency and reducing waste. When brands see that proven time and again, they will drive the change needed to push the entire industry to be better.

“By combining performance and emissions into a singular view to help brands make the smartest choices for their business, this evolution of our platform brings us a giant step closer to a decarbonised advertising ecosystem.”


Over the last year, Scope3 has conducted several dozen measurement studies and pilot tests with brands around the world, providing insight into the sources of emissions within campaigns, as well offering optimisation techniques for lowering their emissions.

The platform’s Media Reporting tool builds on these tests and makes campaign emissions measurement easy and scalable.
“Brands working with us know to expect better outcomes given we provide them with access to precision audiences they can’t find anywhere else,” said Cara Pratt, SVP of Kroger Precision Marketing.. “Our work with Scope3 means they can now be assured that their media is both effective, efficient and more sustainable.
“Using Scope3’s granular reporting data, we optimised the delivery of our managed programmatic advertising and reduced overall campaign emissions while still delivering impressive results for clients. Having alwayson access to that data will be a powerful tool in helping our industry meet its decarbonisation goals.”

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