SCA’s head of news and information, LiSTNR’s head of factual and drama exit the business

mel withnall jen goggin sca

The departures come after chief marketing officer at SCA, Nikki Clarkson was confirmed to be exiting last week.

Melanie Withnall, SCA’s head of news and information, and Jennifer Goggin, LiSTNR’s head of factual and drama have left the broadcaster

Goggin oversaw the documentary department and the LiSTNR produced The Children in the Pictures podcast series, which won gold in the ‘narrative/documentary podcasts’ category at the 2023 New York Festivals Radio Awards.

Prior to joining SCA in 2018, Goggin was a radio, podcast and audio series producer at BBC Her radio and audio features work has been broadcast by BBC, ABC and Ireland’s national broadcaster RTE.

Withnall joined SCA in 2021 as head of news and information, coming from the ABC. It was confirmed on Monday that she will return to the ABC. She finishes at SCA on 2 August.

Withnall led the overall broadcast and on-demand news function at SCA, while also expanding SCA’s news, information and current affairs output on LiSTNR, Hit and Triple M networks. 

SCA chief content officer, Dave Cameron said Withnall “has made a huge impact in growing our news-led spoken word content output and finding new audiences to consume our premium content”.

“Melanie is highly respected and valued not only by her direct team but right across our business,” he said.

“Melanie goes with our best wishes and blessing for career growth, and we’re excited to watch her continued leadership and impact roll out at the ABC.”

The departures come after chief marketing officer at SCA, Nikki Clarkson was confirmed to be exiting last week.

Clarkson’s departure was confirmed by CEO John Kelly, who said she had “made an extraordinary contribution to SCA over her highly successful career journey.”

“She is a fiercely passionate leader, a highly respected member of the SLT and an exceptional strategic and creative marketer who has played a pivotal role in building our brands to be highly recognisable and loved in Australian households,” Kelly added.

Clarkson said of her time with the broadcaster, “It has been a privilege to lead the marketing of mighty brands such as Triple M and The Fox and to see the team transform in the way it has to build LiSTNR from scratch to the success it is today, is inspiring.”

There has been no confirmation about whether or not Clarkson’s exit was part of a round of redundancies.

De facto head of corporate communications, Rochelle Burbury has also confirmed that she resigned the SCA account at the start of June. She will finish up at the end of July.

See also: SCA chooses ‘not to pursue’ ACM’s acquisition proposal

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