SCA’s live radio streaming digital audio listening hours have increased by 30% year on year to 10.5 million* as advertisers embrace digital audio as an ad platform.
In addition, SCA’s unique listeners have jumped 58% year on year to 1.5 million* in October, as connected devices continue to be a popular choice for audiences.
Active live radio streams on the Hit and Triple M networks have grown by 15% year on year to 9.1 million*.
SCA’s total digital audio network reach includes audiences across Hit, Triple M and SoundCloud Radio. When combined with SoundCloud’s music streaming platform of 2.5 million* monthly listeners and Sonos Radio, SCA claims a market leading advertiser offering with more addressable ad opportunities than ever before.
Smart speakers once again had the highest year-on-year growth of all connected devices, up 65% to 2.4 million* listening hours. Smart speaker listening has an average session duration of 2 hours and 26 minutes and accounts for almost a quarter of all listening.
“It is exciting to see this continued growth of digital listening occur as Australia recovers from the disruption of COVID. We expected to see a return to normalised broadcast listening patterns, and we are seeing that in the recently released Survey 7. We are also seeing the impressive growth of digital audiences,” said SCA chief sales officer Brian Gallagher.
“We have introduced audiences to flexibility in the way they engage with our services and it is apparent that they will continue to embrace this flexible approach well beyond the impact of COVID. We have reached a watershed moment in Australian broadcasting under the cover of COVID.
“Pleasingly, these audiences are being embraced by advertisers, demonstrated by the number of active monthly campaigns more than tripling in volume year on year.”

Source: *Adswizz Audiometrix October 2019 v October 2020