‘Sales will remain relationship driven’: Tim O’Connor on the benefits of a personalised approach to sales

Tim O'Connor

“[At Vevo], we strive to foster a culture of strong communication that is built on impeccable service.”

Tim O’Connor, head of sales at Vevo Australia & New Zealand, has told Mediaweek that while the industry navigates an “exceptionally complex and fragmented media landscape”, he believes “sales will largely remain relationship-driven.”

O’Connor took home the win for Salesperson at Mediaweek‘s 2024 Next of the Best Awards.

Mediaweek caught up with O’Connor to speak about the future of sales, the advice he would give to someone coming up in sales, and how sales work at Vevo.

The awards have been judged by an all-star line-up, what does it mean to you to be recognised by this group?

It’s very humbling to be recognised by such an esteemed group of industry figures, particularly against a strong field of finalists. It’s not something that I expected to win, so it was a very nice surprise! It’s also a validation for all the hard work that has gone into building Vevo over the last four and a half years by our incredible team. I feel very fortunate to have been on this exciting journey with them all.

What do you think is the future of sales in the industry?

This is a tough one to predict, and I think it’s important to acknowledge that our industry is navigating an exceptionally complex and fragmented media landscape right now. That being said, I believe that sales will largely remain relationship-driven.

Success is built on trust and credibility, both of which are hard to fully achieve virtually. With the rise of AI, everyone is striving for greater efficiencies, but I think a personalised and empathetic approach will remain effective at driving better business partnerships and outcomes.

Is there any advice you would give to someone coming up in sales?

Be inquisitive – I would encourage people to learn skills outside of their day-to-day roles to broaden their understanding of the industry. Salespeople can easily develop tunnel vision towards their product, so when speaking with prospective clients, take the time to learn how other channels play a role in their business.

I would also encourage everyone to seek out a mentor and commit to meeting with them regularly. Lastly, hone your listening skills. Salespeople naturally do a lot of talking, but I have come to learn that there is so much value in listening to other people’s challenges before I try to demonstrate how my product could help solve their challenges.

What is the philosophy of sales at Vevo?

At Vevo, it’s all about being partner-focused. Our team takes a consultative approach to sales, and we strive to foster a culture of strong communication that is built on impeccable service. Sales can easily turn into a perpetual cycle of what’s next, so I think it’s important for our team to celebrate our wins and reflect on what we have achieved.

Being Next of The Best – what can the industry expect next from you?

It’s been an incredible process reintroducing Vevo to the market as an owned and operated business, and we still have lots of work to do! We’re going to continue to expand our distribution partnerships in the CTV space, and I’m excited to further grow our business beyond AU/NZ into APAC. We have an amazing library of culture-shaping content that champions inclusivity and belonging in an authentic way, so I’m excited to see what our artists create next, and how we can use their music videos to deliver impact for our clients.

Top image: Tim O’Connor

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