Roundup: Allegations against Stan executive, ABC denies emergency talks, Tom Gleeson

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Mike Sneesby, Southern Cross, Donald Trump says he will consider pardoning Julian Assange, Libbie Doherty departs ABC

News Brands

Stan executive left Nine’s streaming business after workplace claims

Stan’s publicity chief left the business weeks after it began an investigation into allegations of inappropriate workplace conduct, months before another Nine Entertainment executive exited amid sexual harassment claims, reports Nine Publishing’s Sam Buckingham-Jones.

Adrian Foo, Stan’s long-time head of communications, left on May 28 last year after an internal investigation began to probe allegations of bullying and physical contact that made staff uncomfortable. Stan is the streaming platform owned by Nine, which publishes The Australian Financial Review.

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Support for Nine CEO Mike Sneesby dwindles as fresh harassment allegations emerge

Nine Network chief executive Mike Sneesby is under increasing pressure to retain the support of the company’s board in the wake of fresh allegations relating to the misconduct of the network’s former news and current affairs boss, Darren Wick, report The Australian’s James Madden and Sophie Elsworth

The Australian has been told that Sneesby’s support base at the highest echelons of the company has dwindled since this masthead revealed on Monday night that he was personally responsible for signing off on the near $1m golden handshake awarded to Wick on his resignation in March.

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ABC denies holding emergency talks after Laura Tingle’s ‘racist country’ comments criticised in Murdoch press

The ABC has flatly denied the board held emergency talks after News Corp lambasted Laura Tingle for criticising Peter Dutton’s immigration policy at the Sydney writers’ festival, reports The Guardian’s Amanda Meade.

On Sunday, while discussing the Coalition’s plans to cut immigration, Tingle said: “We are a racist country, let’s face it. We always have been, and it’s very depressing.”

Murdoch outlets pounced on the comments, with the Australian newspaper claiming on its front page on Tuesday that the ABC was holding an emergency board meeting.

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Southern Cross about-face on ACM proposal

Southern Cross Media Group’s decision to take a look at a potential proposal to fold the Australian Community Media business into the group is likely to be aimed at checking that its digital capabilities are not something that can seriously add company value, reports The Australian’s Bridget Carter.

Some were surprised on Tuesday that the Australian radio and regional television broadcaster even entertained the possibility after it so swiftly rebuffed the Antony Catalano-backed business in November when it proposed a merger.

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See Also: SCA approached by Australian Community Media in new acquisition proposal

Business of Media

US president hopeful Donald Trump says he will consider pardoning Julian Assange if elected

US president hopeful Donald Trump will seriously consider giving Julian Assange a pardon if he is elected, reports The Australian’s Emma Kirk

Trump made the announcement during an interview with podcaster Tim Pool before he gave a speech at the Libertarian National Convention.

“We’re going to give it very serious consideration,” Trump said.

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Head of Children and Family to depart ABC

ABC Head of ABC Children and Family Libbie Doherty will depart the broadcaster in June after 5 years in the role, reports TV Tonight

She has overseen both in-house productions and commissioned a raft of independent programs including Bluey, Crazy Fun Park, First Day, My Year 12 Life, The Unlisted, Mustangs FC, Hardball, Beep and Mort, Ginger & The Vegesaurs, Tomorrow When the War Began, Little J and Big Cuz, collectively winning five International Emmys, five AACTAs and four Logies.

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Tom Gleeson: “I was sounded out to host The 1% Club but I said no”

Hard Quiz host Tom Gleeson is the go-to comedy host right now also hosting Taskmaster Australia and ABC Family’s offshoot Hard Quiz Kids, reports TV Tonight.

Speaking with TV Tonight, he confirmed his deals with networks confirmed shows could not compete against one another.

Taskmaster could not be on a Wednesday, it had to be another night. That would be silly. So yes, we do have that in place,” he said.

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