Revium’s Rob Francazio reveals what makes the agency unique and his outlook for the year ahead

Revium - Rob Francazio

“The future for Revium is ultimately one of growth, for both our clients and our staff”

Revium welcomed the appointment of Rob Francazio as general manager of growth earlier this year.

In the role, he will oversee new and existing clients and ensure the full­-service digital agency remains relevant and geared towards driving value at every step of their journey.

Francazio spoke to Mediaweek about why he joined the agency, what makes it unique, what he hopes to achieve in the role, and his outlook for the business in the year ahead.

Francazio on joining Revium and his role

Francazio brought over 20 years of experience in digital, media and marketing to Revium from agencies such as Balmer Agency, Nunn Media, Carat and oOh!media. His previous role was as head of client partnerships for Impressive.

Francazio was interested in the general manager role – growth because it aligned with his passion for business growth, innovation and digital transformation.

“What really drew me to Revium was the agency’s outcome-led approach and commitment to driving value, which aligned with my own professional values.

“Plus, I was impressed with the people at Revium and their commitment to fostering a team free from office politics,” he added.

Revium’s unique offering to clients

Francazio highlighted Revium’s outcome-led approach to digital transformation as a unique offering in the industry, particularly its focus on delivering positive outcomes and showcasing ROI in everything they do.

“It’s also about ensuring our outcomes meet both the client’s wants and the customer’s needs. This approach ensures clients achieve sustained growth and ROI, which sets Revium apart in the market,” he said.

“I’ve noticed how well the business attracts forward-thinking and progressive clients who come looking for digital solutions that are not just innovative for the sake of it but can actually drive growth and value for their businesses,” he added.

Delivering growth for clients 

Looking forward, Francazio noted that the agency will work closely with each of its clients to understand their unique business needs and goals.

“This means a specific, tailored digital transformation approach for all clients, often with bespoke solutions. We believe that by leveraging digital technologies and building the right digital infrastructure, businesses can grow faster and remain resilient in an ever-changing landscape,” he said.


Francazio on his outlook in the role and the year ahead

Francazio shared that his main goal is to grow the business. His focus will be on drawing attention to Revium and the fantastic outcomes they deliver to clients.

“To date, the business has been much too shy about promoting itself – it really is a hidden gem, and the value proposition for clients is extremely strong. It’s just that not enough prospective clients know we exist,” he said.

Francazio also noted his excitement at leveraging his experience to build strong relationships with clients and partners, which he is currently enjoying working on.

“The future for Revium is ultimately one of growth, for both our clients and our staff, and is something we’re already on our way to achieving with the opening of a Brisbane office and a number of new hires in Q1 this year,” Francazio said.

Top image: Rob Francazio

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