Radio and TV host in quarantine after she arrives back in Australia

• Hughesy and Ed broadcasts on the Hit Network 5-7pm weekdays.

Hit Network’s late drive show Hughesy and Ed doesn’t go to air unless it has at least a few carrots to dangle for the listeners. Last night the 5pm program started with three of them. And the first one delivered big time.

Earlier in the week the co-hosts spoke with the show’s former co-host-turned-regular guest Kate Langbroek in Italy where she has been based for the past 18 months.

Langbroek was on a train travelling across Italy but wouldn’t reveal where she was headed. Yesterday on the program she revealed that train trip was in fact the start of a long journey back to Australia with her teenage son Lewis.

Speaking to Hughesy and Ed from her new home for the next fortnight, a Pullman hotel room in one of Australia’s capital cities, Langbroek explained the reason for her trip home was to visit her sick father.

She had the choice of a room with two beds in one room for herself and Lewis or the option of a suite with a private bedroom and another with a couch for her son. She chose the latter.

Langbroek said she and Lewis were two of about just 40 people on her international flight and she also described how spooky it was walking around a near-empty Dubai Airport.

Lewis also spoke to the two hosts about the challenges of being locked up with his mum in the same hotel suite for 14 days. “She never stops talking,” he shared.

Hughesy and Ed broadcasts on the Hit Network 5-7pm weekdays.


Top Photo: Kate Langbroek was a recent guest on 10’s Have You Been Paying Attention?

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