Quiip promotes Larah Kennedy and Will Barber

Quiip - Larah Kennedy & Will Barber

Kennedy steps up as general manager as Barber takes over the role of client services director.

Quiip has promoted Larah Kennedy to general manager and Will Barber as client services director.

Kennedy steps up to the newly created general manager role from client services director, which she has held for three years. Meanwhile, Barber takes over from Kennedy as senior community manager. 

Kennedy will focus on the overall operations and strategic direction of the company, working closely with the senior team to drive growth, innovation, and client satisfaction.

Barber will oversee fostering client relationships, as well as accelerating growth for the social media and online community management specialist.

Quiip CEO Alison Michalk welcomed the Kennedy and Barber’s promotions and said: “I am delighted to promote Larah Kennedy and Will Barber to the roles of general manager and client services director.

“Their extensive experience and unwavering commitment to Quiip’s mission make them the perfect candidates. I do not doubt that under Larah’s leadership, Quiip will continue to thrive,” she added.

Kennedy said: “I am honoured to take on the responsibilities of general manager at Quiip. I look forward to leading our talented team and driving Quiip’s success while continuing to cultivate meaningful relationships with our clients.”

Barber added: “I am really excited to take on the role of client services director at Quiip, and have big shoes to fill. I look forward to supporting our fantastic clients and contributing to the continued success of our dedicated team.”

Kennedy and Barber’s appointments also follow Quiip’s growth in 2023, marked by its growing list of clientele and the introduction of its Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP).

The appointments underscore the social media and online community management specialist’s commitment to recognising and nurturing talent within the organisation.

Quiip collaborates with Australian organisations to achieve social media and online community success. It specialises in online community building, social media management, high-risk content moderation, and crisis management.

Top image: Larah Kennedy and Will Barber

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