QMS to unveil global-first attention study results at SXSW Sydney


The research has been two years in the making and has been conducted by Amplified Intelligence. 

QMS has announced that the results of its global-first research on the role human attention plays in out-of-home (OOH) environments will be unveiled at SXSW Sydney 2024.

The research has been two years in the making and has been conducted by audience measurement company, Amplified Intelligence. 

It has measured attention across QMS formats to deliver greater accountability and audience understanding.

The results will be presented in an exclusive presentation on Wednesday 16 October by QMS chief strategy officer, Christian Zavecz, and Dr Karen Nelson-Field, CEO and founder of Amplified Intelligence.

The presentation will be followed by a media and marketing panel discussion including Suncorp Group executive manager, media & marketing, Greg Kearney, and OMD national head of communications planning, Thad King. The panel will discuss the real-world implications and applications of the global-first OOH Attention study.

Zavecz said: “Attention has well and truly positioned itself at the forefront of modern media metrics. Our ongoing work with Amplified Intelligence is designed to help our clients prepare for the next era of OOH and is a significant step forward in understanding the various dimensions that need to be considered for OOH planning and buying.

“We hope the findings will challenge the industry to think beyond traditional metrics like reach and re-evaluate how the data can be used to drive greater campaign effectiveness.

“Our work with Amplified Intelligence is the latest example of QMS’ market-leading research and data initiatives. There is no question the future of advertising will lean on attention as a more sophisticated and accurate way of planning and evaluating client campaigns and we are excited to drive this innovation for the global OOH industry.”

Nelson-Field said: “Understanding attention in OOH will provide a significant development not only for Australia, but on the global stage. To understand human attention for OOH, we had to build a world-first model to capture real-time data.

“After working on this study for over two years, we look forward to showcasing to the world the true power of the medium and to understand its strength within a broader omnichannel ecosystem.”

“We are thrilled to be working with QMS to help advertisers better understand how Attention data in OOH can drive greater effectiveness and we cannot wait to share our findings at this year’s SXSW Sydney,” she said.

The session will be presented at 11.45 am on Wednesday 16 October at the Sydney ICC.

Top image: Christian Zavecz & Dr Karen Nelson-Field

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