Podcast Week: Beanies Dreamies, Mediaweek’s Heavy Hitters, Grant Blackley

Podcast Week: stuff the british stole

Plus: The Growth D_Stillery Vodcast, Over The Back Fence, Turia Pitt

Compiled by Tess Connery and Grace Gollasch

Drifting off to sleep with Beanies Dreamies

LiSTNR and ABC Kids entertainers, The Beanies, have teamed up to provide families with bedtime routine answers thanks to the Beanies Dreamies podcast. Launched on World Sleep Day, March 17th, the podcast works to set up a bedtime routine for kids, getting them involved in the transition from daytime to bedtime.

Podcast Week’s Tess Connery spoke to Lorna Clarkson, Senior Executive Producer – LiSTNR Parenting and Kids Entertainment, about Beanies Dreamies.

beanies dreamies

Lorna Clarkson

“We’ve been working with The Beanies since they first decided to do a podcast, back around 2016, or 2017,” says Clarkson. “At that time, Kinderling was a separate company, it wasn’t part of LiSTNR. They came to us and we released their first podcast, and helped them build it and grow it and get it out into the world. 

“Now we’re now working together again! In the meantime, they have released over 200 episodes as part of The Beanies podcast, but that’s been very much around singing and dancing and storytelling. Their general podcast episodes are much more high energy than this particular series.”

With years of collaboration under their belts, Clarkson says that Beanies Dreamies came about after discovering a gap in the market when it came to kids’ media.

“When The Beanies and I were chatting, we were asking what’s missing for kids and for parents – because let’s face it, when you make great podcasts that kids love, if they also solve a problem for parents, then it’s a win-win,” says Clarkson. 

“The Beanies were talking about doing very sleep-focused ones. How do you actually get kids transitioned from being high energy, and get them involved in their own bedtime routine, so that they’re actually looking forward to getting their pyjamas on, brushing their teeth, and then jumping into bed and getting ready to go to sleep?”

LiSTNR - Beanies Dreamies

When you’re making podcasts for kids, bringing them along on the audio journey requires creating an incredibly engaging soundscape.

“The Beanies have their own sound producer, he’s called The Wizard. He writes their music as well, so a lot of the sound design that The Beanies put into it is managed by them, they create it. But they were really thoughtful of how to take it from more up energy at the start of the episode, to really, really relaxing by the end of it.”

When asked what it is that she hopes people get out of Beanies Dreamies, Clarkson says that she hopes for “a moment of having kids lead the way at bedtime, rather than resisting it.”

“Parents will go, ‘right, it’s going to be time for bed soon’, and the kids choose their episode and then really lead their own bedtime routine. I think when kids are told to do things, they’re really resistant – like any of us, adults as well. 

If you get kids involved in their own routines and give them some sort of agency, then they’re going to be much more excited about it. They get to make a decision, they get to make a choice. Then you’ll probably find that the kids will start to lead their own routine, and that’s the dream for parents.”

[Listen to Beanies Dreamies here]

Simon Ryan Heavy Hitters: Former Dentsu boss taking on the big agency groups

Our second guest on the new Mediaweek podcast series is RyanCap founder Simon Ryan. He was interviewed by Mediaweek’s James Manning.

Below are just a few highlights from the podcast which can be listened to here.

When Ryan departed Dentsu in 2019 where he was chief executive Australia and New Zealand, he said the plan was to start his own business.

I had an interesting and learned 10 years at Dentsu and I wouldn’t swap it for anything. When you are part of a large ecosystem, running the third or fourth-largest market for them globally and a publicly listed business, eventually you begin to look at other things.

Simon Ryan

I had a non-compete which I had to stick to. I had many good friends at Carsales so I sat there for a little while and really enjoyed my time there.

“During that process I did decide I needed to go back to what I love and what I am good at, or what I think I am good at!

“RyanCap was born to be a parent company and from there I looked at what I thought the gaps in the market were and built out an offering across media, tech and data, and consultancy. We launched in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane quite quickly across a two-and-a-half-year period.”

[Listen to Heavy Hitters here]

Grant Blackley at RadioDays Europe: Broadcaster getting deeper into video

Making a return appearance to RadioDays Europe after speaking at the 2022 conference, SCA chief executive Grant Blackley presented again this year on the success the company has had with its eco-system LiSTNR.

For people unfamiliar with the scope of the business in Australia, Grant Blackley’s first slide in Prague was an explainer about the scale of SCA which included a list noting it ran 100 broadcast radio stations and was home to 600+ podcasts.

Grant Blackley

Grant Blackley in Prague this month

He explained that LiSTNR had just celebrated its second birthday and now offered “the best in live radio and had launched exclusive and locally produced music podcasts that combine full-length songs.

“We broadened our premium original content slate with the likes of Hamish & Andy, and It’s A Lot with Abbie Chatfield.

“We have the biggest and best Australian-made news with 7AM and The Briefing, not to mention our extensive slate of hyper-local news produced from over 65 offices around Australia giving locals a personalised audio experience like no other.”

[Read the full article here]

The Growth D_Stillery Vodcast: The evolution of health and wellbeing

Earlier this year, News Corp Australia announced the launch of The Growth D_Stillery, a dedicated research and intelligence service offering consumer insights to help marketers navigate brand challenges, anticipate consumer trends and understand where best to invest.

This week, Mediaweek spoke to Elaine Dubost, Executive Director of The Lab.

When asked why she said yes to appearing on The Growth D_Stillery Vodcast, Dubost says that the vodcast was an extension of the discussions she’s already had with Krigstein and the Growth D_Stillery team.

The Growth D_Stillery

“I’ve been working with Dan at News Corp on various brilliant thought leadership projects for the past couple of years. When he asked me to be a part of this one – especially given that the topic is very, very important, and interesting, and close to my heart – it was an easy decision to be a part of it.”

This week’s episode focuses on ‘Shattering the Mental Model of Wellbeing,’ and digs into how Australians interact with the health and wellbeing space in 2023. 

[Listen to The Growth D_Stillery here]

DM Podcasts partners with Di Edwards and Nicola Dale for new podcast about the joys of getting older

Northern Beaches next door neighbours Di Edwards and Nicola Dale discuss the highs and lows of their lives – and their 40 year friendship – during conversations with a diverse range of other leading ladies… and the occasional bloke too, in their new podcast, Over The Back Fence.

Co-produced by DM Podcasts, the same team responsible for The Betoota Advocate podcast, Over The Back Fence, will cover topics as diverse as love & loss, trends & travel, health & happiness, plus friends, family & finances.

“A lot of podcasts are structured interviews but what we love most about Over The Back Fence is that we’re celebrating the sheer joy of having a good old natter between a couple of friends… just like Nicola and I have been doing over our own back fence at home for years!” Edwards said.

[Listen to Over The Back Fence here]

LiSTNR welcomes its new podcast Turia Pitt’s Pep Talk

LiSTNR has welcomed its new podcast, Turia Pitt’s Pep Talk, hosted by motivational speaker Turia Pitt.

Pitt knows better than most about getting through hard times. She believes it’s the small steps, taken consistently, that create the mindset needed to do extraordinary things.

LiSTNR - Turia Pitt

Turia Pitt

Following the success of her January podcast series called The First 30, which helped listeners kick start their new year with 30 days of inspiration, Pitt is now providing listeners with regular daily pep talks to deliver ongoing support.
Pitt is the voice that everyone needs to hear to set up their day for success.
In Turia Pitt’s Pep Talk, Pitt will be there Monday to Friday to share short and practical tips, tools, and anecdotes that will motivate and inspire listeners.

[Listen to Turia Pitt’s Pep Talk here]

LiSTNR announces fourth season of That’s Enough Already with Urzila Carlson

LiSTNR has announced the launch of the fourth season of her podcast, That’s Enough Already with Urzila Carlson.

South African-New Zealander Carlson has become one of the biggest names in comedy in Australia and New Zealand.

LiSTNR That's Enough Already with Urzila Carlson

LiSTNR That’s Enough Already with Urzila Carlson

Her trademark deadpan humour and cheeky wit has seen her win fans the world over for her television appearances and live shows.
Carlson’s hilarious podcast, That’s Enough Already, provides a backstage pass to hear all the things in life that drive her up the wall, which she then discusses with a guest in each episode. Guests for the new season include Tony Martin, Wil Anderson, Peter Helliar, Kitty Flannagan, Aunty Donna, Ryan Shelton and Mel Buttle.

[Listen to That’s Enough Already here]

The Australian launches a new true crime podcast, Shadow of Doubt

News Corp Australia will launch its true crime podcast from The Australian.

Shadow of Doubt, which will be released on March 31, delves into one of the country’s most shocking child abuse cases, which resulted in a record jail sentence of 48 years for the accused father.

The Australian - Shadow of Doubt
In a five-year investigation, journalist Richard Guilliatt explores a spectacular collision of memory, therapy, trauma and conflicting ‘truths’ in this gripping new podcast.

Some of News Corp Australia’s most popular podcasts include Gary Jubelin’s I Catch Killers and Life and Crimes with Andrew Rule, Faith on Trial: Hillsong.

Other recent true crime Australia titles from News Corp Australia include Bikies IncMother’s GuiltPredatory and Devil’s Apprentice.

[Listen to Shadow of Doubt here]

LiSTNR releases lineup of podcasts for kids this Easter

LiSTNR has just released its top eight podcasts for kids entertainment this Easter, ranging from a podcast about the human body, to a detective series that investigates killer butterflies and glow worms, to an age-appropriate news podcast.


LiSTNR is home to a line-up of multi-award winning podcasts for children, many produced in association with education providers, scientists and art galleries, with the aim to engage, educate and entertain kids.

[Find the full list here]

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