Oxygen 360’s Cameron Jurd talks “unique beast” agency

Oxygen 360

“We do creative and media and large-scale production within the business.”

The IMAA, the national, not for profit industry association for independent media agencies launched last year.

Since then it has continued to grow its membership base and make a series of big announcements, including its trade credit deal and a number of new media partners.

Mediaweek has been profiling members of the IMAA – previous features can be found here. 

This week we spoke to the founder of Oxygen 360 and recent IMAA member Cameron Jurd.

Jurd said that he started the business in 2006 after spending 15 years at Channel Nine in creative services and running the businesses in-house creative divisions.

“I ran promos and graphics but most importantly TVC’s, which oversaw creating all the integrations and sponsored commercials and direct ads and all of that stuff. So making ads, basically.

“I started Oxygen, or Adfarm as it was called back then in 2006. We have always been a creative and production business, but then 3 years ago we branched out into media and brought Andrew Lamb who was the ex-head of the Media Store in to run that. We have now built out a team and won quite a bit of business over the last couple of years.”


When asked about some of the company’s longest tenured clients, Jurd pointed to PD Insurance and Fetch TV. He also said they have also had some recent client wins as well that include The Man Shake, Winning Appliances, and Manscaping.

“It has been a good story for us since 2019 that we have managed to pick up some really fantastic clients.”


When discussing the agency’s specialisations, Jurd said that it is about being a full-service agency.

“At the end of the day, a lot of people bandy about that they do everything, whereas we truly do it under one roof. In our offices in Chatswood, we have a huge sound studio, we have all of our edit sweets and voice booths here on-site that are staffed by our full-time staff.

“Our media team are all located here, and our creative guys are located within the business as well.

“The unique part about us is, a lot of agencies say they do creative and media, but we do creative and media and large-scale production within the business.

“We don’t have their media, but we shot Maserati here, and also worked on production and creative for the NRL to launch their Junior Rugby League brand, and we also just did our second round with Fujitsu which we do with another agency who handles the creative.

“We are a unique beast in that we have all these facilities here within the business.”

IMAA Membership

Jurd was being honest when he admitted that he didn’t know an organisation like the IMAA existed. He also said that he had a building frustration with some processes that are enormous hit on business like trade credit insurance, and then a friend put him onto the IMAA.

“I had a mate of mine explain what the IMAA was doing in that space (trade credit insurance) and I got in touch with the guys.

“The other part of it was the ongoing upskilling opportunities for my team. Every week or second week there is a talk or seminar or something happening on a particular aspect of the industry, and the opportunity to put their team in Infront of those industry leading experts easily and regularly is a fantastic opportunity.”

“We have only been a member for a few weeks, but we are already seeing the benefits flow through.”

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