Nine promotes Fiona Dear to director of news and current affairs

Nine Fiona Dear

She will oversee the roster of Nine programs, from the 6 pm news bulletins, breaking news teams, Today, A Current Affair, and 60 Minutes.

Nine has appointed Fiona Dear, the current EP of A Current Affair, as the network’s director of news and current affairs.

Earlier this week, rival Seven promoted Chris Salter to Melbourne news director, replacing veteran Shaun Menegola. Salter will report to newly-appointed editor-in-chief and director of news and current affairs Anthony De Ceglie.

Dear will oversee the roster of Channel Nine programs, from the 6pm news bulletins, breaking news teams, Today, A Current Affair, and 60 Minutes.

Michael Healy, director of television at Nine said that Dear “perfectly understands” Nine’s news culture.

“We are excited to see her lead the outstanding team of people in television news to bring the full range of news and current affairs to our audiences,” he said.

Dear began her career in work experience at WIN Wollongong and since then has worked through the WIN Network, including working in Wagga Wagga as a reporter, and Canberra as a reporter and chief of staff.

“I got a call from Nine inviting me in to talk about life,” Dear said, “And look where that took me, from Canberra to the COS in Sydney at the heart of our beating news brands, it was exhilarating and scary all at once. I was in no doubt I was working with the best in the business.

“I’m honoured now to be given this role, and I look forward to the challenges, the news that makes our business great and leading our people as we tell Australia’s stories every day.”

Dear led the ACA team for the past five and a half years including the handover from previous host Tracy Grimshaw to Ally Langdon.

“A Current Affair is a special family, it’s a team who care passionately about getting to the heart and soul of every story and I’m so proud to have had the opportunity to be a part of this brilliant team. I won’t be taking my eye off the ACA ball, but we will be announcing a new Executive Producer in due course,” she said.

See also: Nine marks 100 days until 2024 Paralympics with commentary lineup

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