News Corp and Medibank team up to launch Can We Talk? mental wellbeing awareness campaign

News Corp x Medibank - Can We Talk

Lou Barrett: ‘This multi-channel initiative has been custom built for Medibank and puts mental health on the news agenda sparking much needed conversations across generations.’

News Corp Australia and Medibank have teamed up to launch Can We Talk?, an awareness campaign to help Aussie families better tackle mental wellbeing in the home.

The ‘State of Mind: Australia’s Mental Health Conversation’ study by The Growth Distillery, News’ independent research think-tank, revealed the scale at which Australian families are struggling to support each other with mental health and anxiety challenges.

“This research reveals Australia is in the grips of a mental health crisis, and many Australians don’t know who to turn to, especially our younger generations,” Meaghan Telford, Medibank Group executive policy advocacy and reputation, said.

“As one of Australia’s largest health companies, we see the human cost of the mental health crisis and want to play a meaningful part in the solution. Teaming up with News Corp Australia’s publications means we can reach audiences at scale and equip them with the skills needed to have the most important conversation of their life.”

The awareness campaign is a four-phase editorially-led digital, print, video, audio and social content campaign that encourages conversations in the home about mental wellbeing.

News Corp x Medibank - Lou Barrett

Lou Barrett: ‘News are on a mission to build a healthier Australia and advocate for positive change.’

Partnering to drive change

The initiative brings together leading News brands, The Daily Telegraph (NSW), Herald Sun (VIC), The Courier-Mail (QLD), The Advertiser (SA) and Body+Soul to support this critical campaign in partnership with Medibank.

The four month campaign is underpinned by research, data, insights and expert advice that families can start implementing immediately. Federal and State Government funding for mental health initiatives will also be under the microscope.

Lou Barrett, News Corp Australia client partnerships managing director, said: “Like Medibank, we at News are on a mission to build a healthier Australia and advocate for positive change.

“Championed by and our state mastheads, this multi-channel initiative has been custom built for Medibank and puts mental health on the news agenda sparking much needed conversations across generations and inspiring policy changes as we head into the federal election.”

Can We Talk? launches today and runs until July.

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