News Corp Australia yesterday named the winners of the 2020 News Awards.
The virtual event was hosted by Hannah Hollis from Fox Sports and included appearances online from Robert Thomson, Lachlan Murdoch and Penny Fowler with guest presenters including Nicole Kidman, Amy Shark and Kylie Minogue.
News Corp Australia executive chairman Michael Miller said: “Congratulations to all our News Awards 2020 finalists and winners – you are an inspiring example of our excellence in journalism and in storytelling. You highlight the depth of talent across our newspapers, magazines, digital and broadcast.
“This was the first time that we have watched the Awards virtually, from our homes and offices, around the country. But that didn’t stop us from celebrating together. Thank you to all those who sent in messages of support, comments and photos of their celebrations.

Adella Beaini and Gemma Jones are the awards winners for the Daily Telegraph.
Picture: Christian Gilles
“The Awards provide an opportunity to look back at 2020 and reflect on the great stories that have changed lives and made an impact. I hope you, and your family and friends watching along at home, found the News Awards inspiring.
“What made me so proud this year was that through all the change, through all the upheaval, all of our teams across the business never stopped standing by our audiences, standing by our communities and letting our storytelling lead the way.
“I think Lachlan Murdoch said it best when he said: ‘It would have been understandable if we had been diverted from our core duty as we coped with the individual upheaval and threat of Covid 19, instead your work is better, your ambition is stronger and the sacrifices you and your family have made to pursue the stories Australia needed to know has never been higher.”
“I want to call out and congratulate our Brand of the Year – Sky News, Lifestyle Brand of the Year – Vogue Australia as well as the recipient of the Keith Murdoch Award Grant McArthur.

Natasha Bita, Kelvin Healey and Jackie Sinnerton, Red carpet at News Awards, Bowen Hills, Queensland. Photographer: Liam Kidston.
“As Penny Fowler said when presenting Grant with the award. ‘It is Sir Keith Murdoch’s courage, his willingness to stand up to authority and deep belief that journalism must tell the truth no matter what that gives our company the spirit that lives on to this day.’
“Grant, your coverage of COVID embodied Sir Keith’s trademark courage and spirit. Not only were you there for your communities by detailing how COVID was spreading across Victoria but you also showed real bravery as the first journalist to enter highly infectious hospital wards to reveal the toll of the virus on ordinary Australians.
“Other notable firsts for 2020 was the Award for Storyteller of the Year which was awarded to The Australian’s Trent Dalton and the Audience Engagement Award which was given to Foxtel for the Fire Fight Australia event which raised millions for bushfire recovery.
“Also, for the first time, I handed out some personal awards this year – my Chairman’s Awards – to three teams that went above and beyond in a difficult year – the teams in NSW and QLD who worked on the transition to digital, to Penny and Zav and to the whole Victorian leadership team and to REA and the News Corp Real Estate publishing teams for a stellar year.”

Hannah Hollis and Trent Dalton
Achievements in Campaigns
The Daily Telegraph – Save our Heroes
The Sunday Mail (QLD) – The Forgotten Women
Achievements in Outstanding Audience Engagement
Foxtel – Fire Fight Australia
Scoop of the Year
Tom Minear – Herald Sun: Victoria’s road out of lockdown
Keith McDonald Award (Business Journalist of the Year)
John Stensholt – The Australian
Headline of the Year
Jenna Cairney and Stuart Thornton – The Mercury: We’ve got a moat
Achievements in Regional Journalism
Sherele Moody – News Regional Media
Young Journalist of the Year
Adella Beaini – The Daily Telegraph
Chantelle Francis – The Weekly Times
Ellen Ransley – NewsWire/Western Star
Meg Gannon – Dalby Herald/The Chronicle
Photographer of the Year
David Caird – Herald Sun and Sunday Herald Sun
Photograph of the Year [NEW CATEGORY]
Alex Coppel – Herald Sun and Sunday Herald Sun
Achievements in Investigative Journalism [NEW CATEGORY]
Sharri Markson and Kylar Loussikian – The Australian: How China recruited Australian academics
Storyteller of the Year
Trent Dalton – The Australian
Achievements in Specialist Journalism
Paul Murray – Sky News
Bill Leak Cartoonist of the Year
Warren Brown – The Daily Telegraph
Achievements in Sports Journalism
Michael Warner – Herald Sun, National Sports Network
Achievements in Community Journalism
Jake McCallum – NewsLocal
Achievements in Outstanding Teamwork
MH370 Special Investigation
Innovation in Journalism
Fox Sports – Creating a fans experience like never before
Interview of the Year
Frances Whiting – The Courier-Mail: Hannah Clarke family
Lifestyle Brand of the Year
Vogue Australia
Brand of the Year
Sky News
Sir Keith Murdoch Award (Journalist of the Year)
Grant McArthur – Herald Sun and Sunday Herald Sun
Chairman’s Awards
Penny Fowler & The Victorian Leadership Team
QLD and NSW teams who helped the regional transition to digital
REA Group & Real Estate teams